grimreaper β credited maboy β .
g4mbini β credited maboy β .
I've just fixed the case when data is not filled in scope/value.
Need test now.
All these cases have been tested and worked on my side with MR 8 :
- Clone a view mode with layout builder in another bundle (destination view mode not existing)
- Clone a view mode with layout builder in another bundle (destination view mode existing and layout builder mode is disabled)
- Clone a view mode with layout builder in another bundle (destination view mode existing and layout builder mode is enabled)
All these cases have been tested and worked on my side with MR 11 :
- Clone a view mode without layout builder in another bundle (destination view mode not existing)
- Clone a view mode without layout builder in another bundle (destination view mode existing and layout builder mode is disabled)
- Clone a view mode without layout builder in another bundle (destination view mode existing and layout builder mode is enabled)
- Clone a view mode without layout builder in the same bundle (destination view mode existing and layout builder mode is disabled)
- Clone a view mode without layout builder in the same bundle (destination view mode existing and layout builder mode is enabled)
g4mbini β credited maboy β .
grimreaper β credited maboy β .
I've tested tocab fix on my side and off canvas modal is now working as expected (cf off-canvas.png)
g4mbini β credited maboy β .
maboy β changed the visibility of the branch 3462688-update-core-and to active.
maboy β changed the visibility of the branch 3462688-update-core-and to hidden.
pdureau β credited maboy β .
Hello DavidPetit,
This issue is triggered because there is no content block or paragraph provided by the profile yet.
The DSFR version of Sobki profile is still WIP.
The issue will be solved when content block and paragraph are added to the installation profile.
Till that, you can use your MR to work with Sobki DSFR !
Patch works for me !
Thanks a lot.