I tested patch #4
Upgrade to drupal 10 and in status report I see message:
GoPay: OAuth2 authentication
Token was not returned, credentials may be wrong.
There will still be work to do.
I would need to upgrade the module to Drupal 10.
I have prepared a patch for this purpose.
Please test it.
note: I desire to install module using composer.
Done, thank you.
I will add to next release.
I think this is not the right place to solve the problem.
I didn't find anything in holy theme that would break admin toolbar.
Best way is add task to module: https://www.drupal.org/project/admin_toolbar →
I added to 2.0.x by download patch from mere request.
I will add this task to next release.
Jaroslav Červený → created an issue.
OK. I understand the problem.
I will test today. And possibly move to some release.
I test patch PHP 8.1.20 and Drupal 10.3.1
and error is no longer.
Thanks. Good work.
I recreated patch with sass files.
Please test.
Thank you.
I'll give it the next release.
Good idea.
But. I created wholly new patch for this solution.
Please test it.
The main menu was intended to be two-level.
It is true that it could have more levels.
For example, I dealt with it here: https://www.moravanyubrna.cz
I will try to expand the menu to more levels.
I created patch by #22
I created a patch as recommended above.
it works as expected for me.
thank you for information.
Is this still valid or can I close it?
The change is too fundamental and could affect previous implementations.
I plan to add 3.x in the next version
The change is too fundamental and could affect previous implementations.
I plan to add 3.x in the next version
It's edit also here:
On User Register page, Contact settings - Personal contact form and checkbox are not aligned.
It's edit here:
On Mobile view, User Register page - Picture choose file goes out.
This patch with change sass files.
Sorry, I'm learning to process merge in gitlab.
But we must add css code to sass folder and then compile the css with gulp.
I will prepare a patch for it.
Here is patch with sass file.
Thank you for test.
I'll add change to holy\sass\components\01-atoms\_form-elements.scss alone.
Hello, please add change to:
Thank you for it.
It will appear in the next release
Hello, ok.
I will test patch and let you know.
Hello, thank you for patch.
but must be add here:
I am thinking of adding this task in the next version.
I hope it will not be a problem.
Best practice is copy holy theme to custom themes. (Readme)
I have already encountered this situation.
variale has_page_layout is will setting only use: section_layout_xxx
Here is patch.
Jaroslav Červený → created an issue.
done it.
thank you for feedback. I am going repairing it.
I prepared a patch for this.
#2 patch ( https://www.drupal.org/project/context/issues/3171741#comment-13828996 → ) is working on 5.0.0-rc1 for me.
Great. Thank you.
The client almost deleted 15,000 contents out of inattention, but we managed to solve it from the backup.
This is UX problem.
I created patch for to use.
Jaroslav Červený → created an issue.
You are using CKeditor 5?
Would it be possible to send a picture?
here is a more reasonable patch
right way is replace install config files
config/install -> config/optional
I'll create new patch,
here's a patch that adds a dependency to info file.
Light version of Holy theme is:
https://www.drupal.org/project/kryton →
there is no search and help dependency, but no ambition generate documentation.
Holy was created for standard instalation profile,
but there is no delarate dependency.
I'll think about it.
Jaroslav Červený → created an issue.
Jaroslav Červený → created an issue.
I try:
composer require drupal/rwprofile
it works now. :)
Thank you.
I did the Merge request.
I wonder what will happen next.
Thank you for switch to general project.
I edited the name in https://git.drupalcode.org/project/rwprofile/-/blob/2.0.x/rwprofile.info...
I'm still thinking about deleting file https://git.drupalcode.org/project/rwprofile/-/blob/2.0.x/composer.json
Can I do anything to switch rwprofile → to module project?
Here is patch:
Jaroslav Červený → created an issue. See original summary → .
Here is patch for this problem.
I changed define breakpoints variables to REM unit:
$screen-xs-min: 30rem;
$screen-sm-min: 48rem;
$screen-md-min: 64rem;
$screen-lg-min: 82rem;
$screen-xs-max: ($screen-sm-min - 0.1rem);
$screen-sm-max: ($screen-md-min - 0.1rem);
$screen-md-max: ($screen-lg-min - 0.1rem);
Thak you for feedback.
I'm going to fix it