Account created on 9 December 2014, over 9 years ago

Merge Requests

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🇮🇹Italy nicoschi

Hi there, I'm dealing with the same issue when wrapping a "drupal-media" in CKEditor using "Embed media". I'm not using editor_file, anyway i tried the patch and it doen't work form me too. What I can say in addition is that the editor advanced link doesn't keep in place any tag attribute except the target one which all of you is complaining not working

🇮🇹Italy nicoschi

Observing changes in database after the field is made translatable it seems that providing a fallback it's really hard but a warning message at least should be shown when trying to make translatable a field with data in database.

🇮🇹Italy nicoschi

I will try to describe the real issue step by step:

- given a Drupal site with two languages, ie. English and Italian
- create a translatable content type
- create a field (ie. a plain text one) and leave it not translatable
- insert a content of the created one type in English language
- translate the inserted content in Italian
- make the privous created field translatable
- now value of the field made translatable is gone in the Italian content

Best would be a fallback in English

🇮🇹Italy nicoschi

I did it a new branch and MR which applies to 10.2.x cherry picking commits in the 11.x, but maybe I did something wrong also with branch visibility

🇮🇹Italy nicoschi

nicoschi changed the visibility of the branch 3008292-imageitemgetuploadvalidators-should-be to active.

🇮🇹Italy nicoschi

nicoschi changed the visibility of the branch 3008292-imageitemgetuploadvalidators-should-be to hidden.

🇮🇹Italy nicoschi

@scott_euser thanks, maybe we were writing at the same time the comment, it is the same link I posted in #84.
So after that procedure should I use that as my local patch and is it useless to publish it somewhere, for example in the list of patches in this post or produce a new issue fork?

🇮🇹Italy nicoschi

I'll clarify the question, the only solution to continue to use the merge request commits is the application of the procedure in Creating a patch file of a Merge Request for an older stable release ?


🇮🇹Italy nicoschi

Hi there,

how can we apply the patch from merge request in Drupal 10.2.x? At this moment the plain diff doesn't apply while the patch in #77 yes

🇮🇹Italy nicoschi

@Bardir thanks for the the tip of the other patch to apply, it's the first time it happens to me or maybe it's a big deal in a case of an entity view display with tons of fields and configs

🇮🇹Italy nicoschi

It seems this patch has a big side issue and it's weird to me anyone has already discovered it (maybe I'm doing something wrong?).

This is a case:
- a series of custom field formatter used on a node view display which original language is english have translatable settings
- translate them through config translation in the other language, say it is Italian
- then visit the entity display edit form in the italian language and save it and all the original setting in english language will be overriden with translations!

🇮🇹Italy nicoschi

Here's the real reroll the previous one was that in D10 issue.

🇮🇹Italy nicoschi

@joseph.olstad, I can confirm infact that:
#105 isn't a valid patch if applied on Drupal 10.0.3
#104 doen't work (I have a profile which has Standard as parent and any element of Standard Profile seems to be installed)

🇮🇹Italy nicoschi

Here is a patch reroll including core_version_requirement key inside the info yaml files

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