Thx for reaching out @chrisck, I did the minor changes in the 2nd of June, see version 2.2.1. Apparently that was not enough to proceed automatically and probably the process was not that clear to me either. I did not know the process was closed to lack of activity either :-)
I'd be happy to have you as a co-maintainer on the project so i you want... i can add you.
Even better would be to disable those input fields …. That would make it even more clear that it contains an overridden value.
@jurgenhaas I did the few changes and filled out the form to apply for "Trusted Contributor" as you suggested. →
It is not that i do not want but i think i did not review enough other issues so i have rights yet to activate it for this module? If I understand it correctly? Maybe we can also speed it up by adding other maintainers to the module? If so, if you are interested... :)
Any idea on how to achieve this? Probably because of my lack on credits? 😀
Works like a charm @GuillaumePacilly. Good job!
I investigated the Inline Entity Form module (2.0.0-rc7 without the IEF complex widget dialog and also then a IEF form is not closing when an error did popup. The Error is shown on top of the IEF but even when the error is fixed the IEF is not closing. That makes that also the de IEF dialog is not closing.
With version 2.0.0-rc6 it works fine so i so my conclusion is that the 2.0.0 version is still a work in progress... which indicates the release candidate suffix that comes with the version.
So let us wait for a stable version of the IEF module :-)
Any suggestions on changes are welcome. I will debug asap.
Can you set a screenshot where you can show how the media browser is showing in the frontend theme? It should implement it with a lot of media browser CSS from Claro?
I putted the version 2.1.0 back to supported.
Sorry, I made a mistake with the version numbering. 2.0.0 = 2.1.0. I think I can not remove 2.1.0 so I putted it "unsupported". But I guess it is installed when auto updating?
I could not recreate your bug but i did some optimizations for the Gin theme. Can you test → ?
If the problem you experienced still exists please give some more details, screenshot, ... .