Account created on 17 April 2014, over 10 years ago

Recent comments

🇫🇷France laurentwh

Tested and working fine on Drupal 9.5.9 + Commerce File + Commerce license - PHP 8.1.20. Thanks again @TomTech

🇫🇷France laurentwh

In my case, this error : Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception\InvalidParameterException: Parameter "arg_0" for route (view name) must match "[^/]++" ("/" given) to generate a corresponding URL. in Drupal\Core\Routing\UrlGenerator->doGenerate() (line 203 of core/lib/Drupal/Core/Routing/UrlGenerator.php).

appears only when "Glossary mode" is activated on Views + Page + Block activated (Contextual filters parameters)

D9 / PHP 8.0 / Drupal Commerce

🇫🇷France laurentwh

Tanks a lot Tom. I switched back to PHP 8.0 as PHP 8.1 brought a lot more errors on other modules. No more error yet with a lot heavy tests on your 8.2-RC4 module + Commerce File.

🇫🇷France laurentwh

Same issue here with Webform + Webform order

🇫🇷France laurentwh

I switched to PHP 8.1.19 + commerce_license 8.x-2.0-rc4 and I have this error now when I'm adding more than 1 product : Nesting level too deep - recursive dependency? modules/contrib/commerce_license/src/LicenseOrderProcessorMultiples.php on line 113

🇫🇷France laurentwh

Works fine on PHP 8.19 - Not on 8.0.28

🇫🇷France laurentwh

This error appears for me when I want to exclude "Default" (default product / product variation) from Search API Commerce / Configure the Product datasource.

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