- Issue created by @laurentwh
- 🇹🇭Thailand Nick Hope
On successful checkout (at /checkout/1/complete) I'm seeing the same warning:
Warning: Undefined array key "commerce_file_target_id" in Drupal\commerce_file\Plugin\views\field\DownloadLimit->render() (line 92 of /var/www/html/web/modules/contrib/commerce_file/src/Plugin/views/field/DownloadLimit.php)
However I'm not seeing any network error and can download the file.
I have a local development site in Drupal 10.2.0 / Commerce 8.x-2.36 / Commerce File 8.x-2.1 / PHP 8.3.0.
Document root is /web and I have my file for download in /private.
At /admin/commerce/config/license/file I have the global download limit set to 10. I left the 'Limit...' box unchecked for my product.
The "Downloads" column is empty (as it is in Matt Glaman's demonstration video). That might provide a clue.