Account created on 2 March 2014, almost 11 years ago

Recent comments

🇯🇴Jordan mqanneh Amman

Looks like login_emailusername module is no longer maintained. no need to create a comparison documentation page.

🇯🇴Jordan mqanneh Amman

Mail login v4.0.3 is now released, the reported issues are fixed in the latest 4.0.2 release.

🇯🇴Jordan mqanneh Amman

I'm working on a fix for this. in the meantime you can use v3.0.0 until this issue is resolved

🇯🇴Jordan mqanneh Amman

Added v4.0.0 for Drupal >=10.3
Added v3.0.1 for Drupal <10.3
and updated the module page information.

🇯🇴Jordan mqanneh Amman

Added v4.0.0 for Drupal >=10.3
Added v3.0.1 for Drupal <10.3
and updated the module page information.

🇯🇴Jordan mqanneh Amman

starting from Drupal 10.3 and above the recommended mail login version is 4.x
check 📌 Use UserAuthenticationInterface instead of UserAuthInterface (>=10.3.x) Needs review

🇯🇴Jordan mqanneh Amman

Feel free to reopen the issue if it still exists using the most recent 3.x or 4.x versions.

🇯🇴Jordan mqanneh Amman

I created a new dev branch 4.0.x for this. I couldn't reproduce the issue in #4 so I'll keep this opened for review by the community.

🇯🇴Jordan mqanneh Amman

The password reset functionality has been added to 3.0.x and 8.2-x since 19 Apr 2022 in
This patch won't apply to 2.x dev branch since it's rewriting an existing feature plus adding new options.

@Andrew Answer would you be able to rewrite the patch for the latest dev branch?

🇯🇴Jordan mqanneh Amman

Thanks for your interest in maintaining the module, I'm currently working on resolving some issues and adding new features for the upcoming 3.0.0 release.

You're welcome to submit patches for the opened issues and I'll review and apply this weekend.

🇯🇴Jordan mqanneh Amman

mqanneh made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇯🇴Jordan mqanneh Amman

I just created a new Drupal 10.1 instance on simpletest and was able to add and view the facebook comments block.

🇯🇴Jordan mqanneh Amman

Can you check if there are any console errors?

🇯🇴Jordan mqanneh Amman

Added 2 new releases, hope this will fix the issue. Feel free to reopen the issue and post your feedback.
- Drupal 8
- Drupal 9 || Drupal 10

🇯🇴Jordan mqanneh Amman

Can you provide step to replica this issue? Mail login module doesn't edit usernames and only enables the login by email address in addition to the default username login.
"Login by email address only" option is disabled by default which allows the user to login by username as normal.

🇯🇴Jordan mqanneh Amman

Could you provide steps to reproduce on a vanilla Drupal?

🇯🇴Jordan mqanneh Amman

Thanks for pointing this out, I updated mail_login page and linked to email_registration.

🇯🇴Jordan mqanneh Amman

I'm working on a fix for the reported issue, will be available soon in the latest dev branch.

🇯🇴Jordan mqanneh Amman

This is already fixed in the latest dev version.

🇯🇴Jordan mqanneh Amman

Fixed php warning for a missing use statement.
Updated hook_help output.

🇯🇴Jordan mqanneh Amman

The merge requests branches have conflicts with t=8.x-2.x branch. I had to rewrite the patches.

🇯🇴Jordan mqanneh Amman

mqanneh made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇯🇴Jordan mqanneh Amman

Sorry for the delay, this is included now in 8.x-2.7

🇯🇴Jordan mqanneh Amman

This is included in the latest dev version and will be available in v2.7

🇯🇴Jordan mqanneh Amman

@sleitner I'll publish a new release today. Thanks for following up.

🇯🇴Jordan mqanneh Amman

Rerolled the patch in #182 to work with v2.9

Update: PHP error after applying the patch in #185

TypeError: Cannot access offset of type string on string in Drupal\entity_browser\Plugin\Field\FieldWidget\ListBuilder\TableListBuilder->buildRow() (line 299 of /app/docroot/modules/contrib/entity_browser/src/Plugin/Field/FieldWidget/ListBuilder/TableListBuilder.php)
🇯🇴Jordan mqanneh Amman

doesn't work with v2.9 which is a security release.

Production build 0.71.5 2024