Account created on 3 February 2014, over 10 years ago

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I have a similar issue with a block_content entity form openned with an inline entity from in an entity browser.

It seems that the module inline_entity_form adds the '#error_no_message' attribute to the checkbox element, making it passing the condition in the function gin_theme_seggestions_input_alter.

@Nick, that's exactly what i did to publish a new release.

After a try on my side to install the module on a new project with composer, i do have the packaging data included in the info.yml file:

# Information added by packaging script on 2024-01-04
version: '3.0.0-beta1'
project: 'media_taxonomy_filter'
datestamp: 1704356226

Maybe try to completely remove the module and to install it again ?

@Nick, thank you
I will check how to get that later this day.

I made a drupal 10 release, thank you for your help.

Hello, i just made a drupal 10 release.
you can install it with:
composer require 'drupal/media_taxonomy_filter:^3.0@beta'

Thank you guys for your help.

Here is a quick patch that fixes the issue on my site.
Waiting the decision from linkit maintainers.

The issue is related to the fix from issue 3354873 πŸ› Direct URL to media file entity does not work because relative URL does not pass URL path validation Fixed

The media entity download should return a "Url" object instead of a "GeneratedUrl" object that does not have the toString method.

I see if i can make a patch.

Added to dev branch, thanks for your work β†’ made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

Related to πŸ› Fix client side URL generation Fixed

Merged, thanks for your work.
I plan a release today with other fixes.

Production build 0.69.0 2024