@joe huggans
Looks good but missing some properties. Looking at code you will have to add the following as well:
@niharika.s you are right the instructions are wrong but you should not change the code but the instructions in the annotations on line 31.
These should not include "data-"
I ran into the same problem after installing this module. The problem is that it adds so many fields to the form that we go over the max input variables. This can be solved by changing php.ini:
max_input_vars = 20000
Maybe it's advisable to add this to the readme
Works as advertised and patch looks good
dev version of font awesome already fixes this by supporting the missing styles. You can then disable sharpsolid as well trough /admin/config/content/fontawesome
I proposed another solution. The 'default' case will add duplicate solid icons for any unsupported font families. In our case this created multiple duplicates. Also there is no way to to disable these.
@_renify_ I think in your case sharpsolid could just be disabled in /admin/config/content/fontawesome
tim_dj β changed the visibility of the branch 8.x-2.x to hidden.
tim_dj β made their first commit to this issueβs fork.
Works as advertised
Patch works as advertised. Does it make sense to search for stories outside of components? Then it's not exactly single direcctory component anymore?
Works good. I do see one deprecation notice:
Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property Drupal\paragraph_blocks\ParagraphBlocksLabeller::$paragraphStorage is deprecated in Drupal\paragraph_blocks\ParagraphBlocksLabeller->__construct() (line 83 of modules/contrib/paragraph_blocks/src/ParagraphBlocksLabeller.php).
Code looks good and I can confirm with this patch I can now also select non-paragraph blocks.
Looking good and working fine here
@basvredeling MR seems to work properly. I've put a few comments in the MR
This MR fixes the deprecation notices but has a dependency on facets-3.0.x-dev
tim_dj β changed the visibility of the branch 8.x-1.x to hidden.
tim_dj β created an issue.
I currently have a workaround for this by making sure the css get's loaded before font awesome by using form alter and adding the library to edit form.
* Work around for https://www.drupal.org/project/fontawesome/issues/3420074.
function ibcommon_form_commerce_product_form_alter(&$form, FormStateInterface $form_state, $form_id) {
$form['#attached']['library'][] = 'fontawesome_iconpicker_widget/fontawesome-iconpicker';
* Work around for https://www.drupal.org/project/fontawesome/issues/3420074.
function ibcommon_form_node_form_alter(&$form, FormStateInterface $form_state, $form_id) {
$form['#attached']['library'][] = 'fontawesome_iconpicker_widget/fontawesome-iconpicker';
I ran into this issue as well. Icon picker widget works when used directly on a content type. It does not work when used in an inline form like paragraphs.
It has to do with order of loading CSS. When used directly on content first CSS of icon picker is loaded and then overwritten by font awesome. When using the icon picker in inline form like paragraphs the CSS of the iconpicker will be attached on opening edit mode which means it's loaded last.
The problem is not just the CSS files. Also font files normally get cached. If you use custom font awesome font kits newer versions will not be loaded so this version parameter should also be included loading the font files itself.
@basvredeling I've created a basic version of tokenizable admin titles. For now it only supports [paragraph:XXX] tokens
also I've added possibility to set a default admin title per paragraph type. So that we can for example add [paragraph:field_title_field] as default for certain types. If no admin title is set it will fallback to original summary.
tim_dj β changed the visibility of the branch 3285015-enable-tokens-on to hidden.
Nasty one to pinpoint because locally I always have my cache cleared
tim_dj β made their first commit to this issueβs fork.
@claudiu.cristea then at the very least this should be documented because now it just doesn't work out of the box and I had to debug to find the cause
This doesn't work out of the box. You need to add "image/svg+xml" to imagecache_external_allowed_mimetypes in imagecache_external.settings
I think this should be either added as default or there should be an UI to enable this.
@mnakov It's already in the code however the EXTRACT_RAW_DATA event is never fired because the function "toRawData()" doesn't seem to be in use.
tim_dj β created an issue.
Above patch will fix dependencies issues for Drush 12. I don't use Drush for the theme so I don't know if that will still work under Drush 11 and 12 but at least this will help upgrading existing sites to D10
tim_dj β created an issue.
Offering to take over maintainership again. I see that patches for D10 are created over a year ago already and not yet merged.
I still use this module for one of my clients so I wouldn't mind maintaining this module
Merge request was against the wrong (master) branch. New merge request against 8.x.1.x branch
tim_dj β created an issue.