Provide better instructions for using the field with form api in a custom form

Created on 25 August 2024, 5 months ago


The annotation/instructions in the PhoneInternationalElement class for using a field in a custom form are incorrect.

 * @code
 * $form['phone'] = [
 *   '#type' => 'phone_international',
 *   '#title' => $this->t('International Phone'),
 *   '#attributes' => [
 *      'data-country' => 'PT',
 *      'data-geo' => 0, // 0(Disable) or 1(Enable)
 *      'data-exclude' => [],
 *      'data-only' => [],
 *      'data-preferred' => ['PT']
 *   ],
 * ];
 * @endcode

The settings for the field can not be added as attributes because they get overwritten in the processInternationalPhone method

Proposed resolution

Better document how to use the field with form api in a custom field, which is to use the array keys #countries, #exclude_countries, #country i.e.

* @code
 * $form['phone'] = [
 *   '#type' => 'phone_international',
 *   '#title' => $this->t('International Phone'),
 *   '#countries' => 'all',
 *   '#country' => 'uk'
 * ];
 * @endcode
📌 Task






Created by

🇬🇧United Kingdom joehuggans Harrogate, UK

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Comments & Activities

  • Issue created by @joehuggans
  • Status changed to Needs review about 1 month ago
  • I have applied the changes please review it .

  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom joehuggans Harrogate, UK

    @nikarika.s - I don't think this works, because the JS in the module looks for these data attributes, so it would break the field to remove them.

    The only thing needed here is to update the annotation.

  • 🇳🇱Netherlands tim_dj Netherlands

    @niharika.s you are right the instructions are wrong but you should not change the code but the instructions in the annotations on line 31.

    These should not include "data-"

  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom joehuggans Harrogate, UK

    I actually opened this issue myself @tim_dj, I've provided an MR already

  • 🇳🇱Netherlands tim_dj Netherlands

    @joe huggans

    Looks good but missing some properties. Looking at code you will have to add the following as well:

  • 🇳🇱Netherlands tim_dj Netherlands
  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom joehuggans Harrogate, UK


    Thanks for the reply, maybe we should add those properties in a separate code example because above the one in question it states "If you want a default country you need to do this:".

    But as far as I am aware, the following are not required in order to set a default_country?


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