Account created on 1 February 2013, about 12 years ago

Recent comments

🇩🇪Germany jfeltkamp Hamburg

Ah, you are still using our code. Congrats! It's a bit embarrassing, don't you think? But please.

I wanted to ask how your own module is doing. Have you made any progress? Mr. 1-Commit. We are so curious. I'm pretty sure that an uncompressed version of the software wouldn't be of much use to you either, otherwise you wouldn't be making such a fuss here. Maybe you're overwhelmed by your job and that's why everyone else is to blame for your failure. I would strongly advise you to talk to a psychologist about it. Your aggression is really unbearable, what can we do if you can't do your job? Huh? - Then you should have tested better.

The feature you're suggesting is called "nudging" and is not permitted under the GDPR. But I assume you don't know anything about it either. You can build it yourself. If the user doesn't want to share his data voluntarily, then that's the way it is. That's the only thing we support.

🇩🇪Germany jfeltkamp Hamburg

Hello @orcalator, just visited your profile.
So sweet: 1 commit. Please don't forget to share your module.

🇩🇪Germany jfeltkamp Hamburg

From the side of the JS-library it is fixed.
But now I want to add HTML editors for the fields in the Drupal config forms, so that this would work out of the box.

🇩🇪Germany jfeltkamp Hamburg

Made a review of Thomas' changes.
Everything still works fine, also the improvements in header and footer, what I like.

Created new version: 2.0.5

These guys using 1.x with extended custom changes will not be amused - But our motto is: Now or never! - So now :-)

🇩🇪Germany jfeltkamp Hamburg

That's true and I'm fine with it.

So if I shall do that, please give me some more detailed instructions. I'm not that familiar with these best practices.
If Thomas wants to do it, I will make the review and give some support for the changes in Svelte.

🇩🇪Germany jfeltkamp Hamburg

Hey Thomas, thank you for the review.

Here my thoughts about your points in detail.

1. Z-index problem Olivero Theme. Indeed we should provide a stable and good solution. But we should not modify the Olivero theme in our CSS. I think we should report an issue for Olivero and add a comment in our description section: E.g.

Known issues:
OLIVERO Theme - To avoid known display (z-index) problems, insert the COOKiES UI block at the end of the "Header" section.

2. BEM class name - This is not a big win to fix it. After the fix the CSS and JS has to be updated in sync. May be we have cross over issues. I would have done nothing here.

3. Button element: This is not a bug. Due to accessablity all clickable elements must be declared as button (or A-Tag ore needs a tabindex and aria-label). The background should be clickable to get rid of the Dialog.

4. CookiesJSR Layer Flexbox: This could be a good improvement.

🇩🇪Germany jfeltkamp Hamburg

Thanks for testing. Then I'll set it to fixed.

🇩🇪Germany jfeltkamp Hamburg

Now I have taken 3 measures.

  1. Reduced the length of the default text shown in the banner.
  2. Reduced size of the banner itself. Not shown up over the complete width of the page, but in a small dialog bottom right of the window.
  3. Fixed scroll limit behavior.
🇩🇪Germany jfeltkamp Hamburg

Fixed scroll limit behavior.

The scroll limit was handled from the preloader to avoid loading of heavy library.
Now it moved into the main library where it is still making sense to avoid the "LCP" (largest meaningful content pain) loading slow.

Also fixed behavior for not scrollable/short pages. Recalculating the scroll limit by take the max scroll height into account.

Added to 2.x. Will be included >= 2.0.4

🇩🇪Germany jfeltkamp Hamburg

Fixed scroll limit behavior.

The scroll limit was handled from the preloader to avoid loading of heavy library.
Now it moved into the main library where it is still making sense to avoid the "LCP" (largest meaningful content pain) loading slow.

Also fixed behavior for not scrollable/short pages. Recalculating the scroll limit by take the max scroll height into account.

Added to 2.x. Will be included >= 2.0.4

🇩🇪Germany jfeltkamp Hamburg

Merged into main branch and released with 8.x-1.7

Thank you for helping keep this module up to date.
And merry christmas @sarigaraghunath and @manishvaity.


🇩🇪Germany jfeltkamp Hamburg

I'm sorry for being late. Your MR looks good and I will apply it before or after christmas.
Your merge requests are welcome, but for a co-maintainership we should know and trust each other very well.

🇩🇪Germany jfeltkamp Hamburg

Thank you for the review. I will apply the MR next days.

🇩🇪Germany jfeltkamp Hamburg

I also created a new issue for the Svelte library to reduce the banner size.

This will also help to let the banner not be the largest content element.

🇩🇪Germany jfeltkamp Hamburg

We found out, that async breaks the COOKiES UI display.

Let us try a shorter text for the banner.

"Please agree to the use of cookies on this website, which serve to collect personal data and pass it on to third-party service partners. You can revoke your consent at any time under "Cookie settings"."

🇩🇪Germany jfeltkamp Hamburg

[2.x 29b110f] Issue #3493869: Added documentation to config fields privacyUri and imprintUri how to achieve target="_blank" and rel="noopener nofollow" to links.

Based on the changes in the JS library cookiesjsr I documented in the form fields how link attribution behaves based on the given URI.

🇩🇪Germany jfeltkamp Hamburg

Hey @sourojeetpaul, I'm here :-)

The missing buttons in mobile layouts are technically and legally not required, but general shortcuts for "configure all/none + save".
The reason why the buttons are missing is the missing space for button labels.
In English everything looks fine, but if you translate the plugin to German, then:
Save | Deny all | Accept all
Speichern | Alle ablehnen | Alle akzeptieren

This will break the layout.
If you have a good solution for that problem I would be pleased.

🇩🇪Germany jfeltkamp Hamburg

@Anybody: I respect but don't understand the idea and intention, why to use HTMX here. That would be a very major overhaul of the entire system. HTMX intends to generate the entire markup in the backend and is not supporting APIs. Then we will need additional Javascript to map the frontend dynamics, instead of (as it is now with Vue or React) directly controlling its own markup and event management as a really autonomous frontend component with the full service. Instead of Vue you would then have HTMX as a dependency, which means no independence is gained. - My opinion to that: I don't think this is the right way. I don't agree.

Because I think, that HTMX is NOT an innovative concept, and has some really ugly pitfals in consequence: I would also recommend this article by heise online:

But I'm still open for arguments: What exactly are the problematic Issues? Why do you think HTMX is a good idea? Or maybe I would be convinced by a prototype that shows that all concepts can be implemented well.

🇩🇪Germany jfeltkamp Hamburg

I will add a video, how to use the tool. Sorry, that I couldn't make that clear. But I think it will take 10 days I have time for that.

🇩🇪Germany jfeltkamp Hamburg

Okay, I changed the first sentence in the introduction. Please have a look if this is sufficient.

🇩🇪Germany jfeltkamp Hamburg

D10 patch applied and tested

🇩🇪Germany jfeltkamp Hamburg

Don't understand explanation of asked changes.

🇩🇪Germany jfeltkamp Hamburg

applied patch
Available >= 1.0.0-beta1

🇩🇪Germany jfeltkamp Hamburg

As marco.b said: This module supports form modes for existing entity base routes as 'add' or 'edit_form'.

🇩🇪Germany jfeltkamp Hamburg

Fixed issue. (Thanks to IzabelaTina)
To have no duplicated code I extended the if clause.
Available >= 2.0.2

🇩🇪Germany jfeltkamp Hamburg

Patch applied.
Available >= 2.0.1

🇩🇪Germany jfeltkamp Hamburg

Patch applied.
Available >= 2.0.1

🇩🇪Germany jfeltkamp Hamburg

Thank you for the offer, but I think a new maintainer is not required.
If you want to add changes, you can offer a MR.
Update to D10 will be done today.

🇩🇪Germany jfeltkamp Hamburg

Merged patch. (Thanks to @dineshkumarbollu)
Available >= 8.x-1.6

🇩🇪Germany jfeltkamp Hamburg

Yes OK I understand. You are absolutly right, that it is a problem that I'm th only maintainer.
So I will give you full access to all repos on GitHub.

🇩🇪Germany jfeltkamp Hamburg

> Could we open-source the vue code directly in the module instead of a separate repository?

My idea was, to left the JS library an independent tool, that can be used with any type of backend, not just Drupal.
Why do you think, this step could make sense.

🇩🇪Germany jfeltkamp Hamburg

Hello Kostia, very pleased to see this. Thank you for sharing this with us. I just took a very brief look at the module. Congrats!! This can be a nice extension for the COOKiES ecosystem. I will review the module at the next opportunity.

🇩🇪Germany jfeltkamp Hamburg

Already added the last missing permission: "Administer maintainers" for Julian.
Is that correct?

🇩🇪Germany jfeltkamp Hamburg

Hello @apderno and @Anybody,

Oh, I'm so sorry for not answering my emails.

Sure, I definitely agree that "Anybody" (aka) becomes maintainer with full access to all resources.

I still love the project but don't have the time to devote to it at all and I'm very grateful that he's been doing such a great job for so long.

🇩🇪Germany jfeltkamp Hamburg

Definitly planed to update and become stable for D10.
It's just a question of time.

🇩🇪Germany jfeltkamp Hamburg

No new comments are good news ...

🇩🇪Germany jfeltkamp Hamburg

Merged the patch.

Available in >= 8.x-1.5

Production build 0.71.5 2024