🇬🇧United Kingdom @danthorne

Devon, UK
Account created on 14 January 2013, over 11 years ago

Recent comments

🇬🇧United Kingdom danthorne Devon, UK

danthorne created an issue.

🇬🇧United Kingdom danthorne Devon, UK

CKEditor 4 is no longer supported as of today.

🇬🇧United Kingdom danthorne Devon, UK

We are using Apache, PHP-FPM 8.1

🇬🇧United Kingdom danthorne Devon, UK

Same. Issue is only present on our production server and when not logged in. Fine in ddev

🇬🇧United Kingdom danthorne Devon, UK

Awesome thanks. I have that installed on this site.

🇬🇧United Kingdom danthorne Devon, UK

Having the same issue with one of our sites that we upgraded to 10.2. No ideal why. Only on production server and when not logged in. Rolled back to 10.1 while we investigate.

🇬🇧United Kingdom danthorne Devon, UK

#5 working for me

🇬🇧United Kingdom danthorne Devon, UK

Had same issue. Going into format settings in the view and clicking apply then exposes new 'Default mobile view' settings. Once I configured them and re-saved it then defaulted to the correct month for me. Filters are doing nothing for me (using recuring smartdate)

🇬🇧United Kingdom danthorne Devon, UK

Thanks @ChrisSnyder

Just had a play with your module but currently there's no way to choose only one style. Example there could be 2 button styles and the editor could tick both by mistake.

Also this module adds attributes in the editor like data-drupal-button-link="button" data-drupal-button-link-style="button--primary" instead of just adding the class, which avoids admin theme conflict. Example, the gin admin theme also has a class of button, which looks different to the button that will be rendered in the frontend.

🇬🇧United Kingdom danthorne Devon, UK

This is still a thing in RC2. Caused by form-item__label margin-bottom

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