Account created on 9 December 2012, about 12 years ago

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Please close - it was an issue with Media Library Edit module. The overwrite existing file name field was hidden from form display.

Had a similar issue. The cause was a JavaScript validation event listener that ran on submit. The form didn't like it. Changed our form to use custom server side validation instead.

Did some debugging - the filter for open/closed status works, but only if it isn't exposed.

Not working for me still. Depending on what I configure as open/closed times with my test nodes, the view either shows the same results regardless of exposed filter options or nothing at all.

Same issue. It is not related to 🐛 Views with Open/Closed status are not updated Needs review as the open/closd status updates fine. The views filter itself doesn't work at all as per the OPs screenshot - results are the same no matter which filter option is selected.

Tested on Drupal 10.2.5, Office Hours latest 1.x-dev.

As per the project description, you will need this patch: 🐛 There is no way to delete file entities of other users Fixed

Tried the patch from #16, minimal performance gains on our site with thousands of nodes. Switched to Taxonomy Access Control Lite
instead with minimal configuration changes required. Works the same, just faster!

I used to solve that problem (filtering by NID). You'll need to patch it to get a D9/10 version though.

We had the same issue, found the fix in here: 🐛 PhpMail : broken mail headers in PHP 8.0+ because of LF characters Fixed

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