Account created on 10 January 2008, over 16 years ago

Recent comments

🇺🇸United States irinaz

@joelpittet, I believe that his is first stable release for Feeds - is that correct?

This is huge win, even though it is for D7. I hope that with new Starshot trend in Drupal 10 we will get more support for Feeds for D10 as well :)!

🇺🇸United States irinaz

joelpittet, thanks a lot! It will be great to see stable release for feeds!!!!

🇺🇸United States irinaz

@MegaChriz, thank you so much that you keep working on this module!!

🇺🇸United States irinaz

I tested this MR and it works as expected - provides list of modules that are not in BackdropCMS core and are enabled on D7 site. Marking RTBC

🇺🇸United States irinaz

Hi @megachirz and @jidrone,
I did an experiment with writing kernel test using AI. I will try to run tests next week, but wanted to share some progress.

🇺🇸United States irinaz

@MegaChriz, thanks! We probably already have examples for other Targets, correct? We would add examples of data with media, probably. I am quite interested in testing what we need to provide to AI and what can be automated.

🇺🇸United States irinaz

@MegaChriz, I am wondering if we could ask GitHub copilot to write tests. I want to experiment and see what AI can do these days. I can provide code of the module the module and file " src/Feeds/Target/Media.php" ask a question "please write unit test for xxxx function". I wonder what information AI needs to write suggested unit tests.

🇺🇸United States irinaz

Based on 📌 Use ChatGPT for solving Drupal issues to increase rate of development Active maybe this issue belongs in a different project. This is not a Drupal core topic, but it definitely belongs in innovation in contributions discussion.

🇺🇸United States irinaz

My understanding of this proposal/idea is to research where AI is applicable and possibly building proof of concept rather than instantly launching ChatGPT on d.o. In 2024 all issue will be moved to Gitlab anyway, and developing a prototype/proof of concept to figure out where AI is helpful (for example, providing maintainer with an updated summary of all comments on an issue) and where it is not applicable (for example, deciding on what feature is higher priority for a module). The same AI model should work the same on Gitlab after issues are migrated.

🇺🇸United States irinaz

@DamienMcKenna, I am not sure if your comment relates to using GitlabDuo that is indeed too $$$$ or to idea of using AI to support various aspects of Drupal, like triage, to begin with?

🇺🇸United States irinaz

@i-grou, you might also take a look at which is UI on top of Migrate. It is dev module and processors have UI but are not connected, it might cover more use cases when ready.

🇺🇸United States irinaz

updated links and module status

🇺🇸United States irinaz

Read more about your options as a Drupal 7 site owner on D7 Soft Landing Initiative page

🇺🇸United States irinaz

On the RSS feed there is option for "Title" (you need to scroll down in the list) that will be imported as title of the node in Drupal instance. "Feed title" is not correct mapping

🇺🇸United States irinaz

@wolf_22, there are other comparable themes for Backdrop What is type of site that you are trying to migrate?

🇺🇸United States irinaz

@poker10, how do you envision interaction between contributors and bot?

🇺🇸United States irinaz

I created DrupalPod, set body of article to be a required field, and checked box "skip validation". Items were imported without body. This DrupalPod can be use for more through testing.

🇺🇸United States irinaz

This is duplicate, please review fix in of 🐛 The module doesn't work well with the grouped filters. Needs review and confirm that it works for you.

🇺🇸United States irinaz

@andreasderijcke, thanks for contribution and for MR! Tested using DrupalPod ( ), merged into default branch.

@droath, @joelsteidl, do you want to create new release?

🇺🇸United States irinaz

@poker10, the goal of this page is to provide general guidance. I am not sure if it is responsibility of DA to provide specific references for migrating from Drupal to Wordpress - there are so many very good articles on this point. Same with details of BackdropCMS - if somebody wants to migrate off Drupal they need to do more research outside of

Thanks for giving overall positive feedback for this page!!

🇺🇸United States irinaz

@nubeli, I created new fork here to make it easier to test for me and anyone else who will be testing. I will ask for help testing tomorrow during session and report results.
thanks for such a quick fix!

🇺🇸United States irinaz

Hi, can we git this issue a priority status?

🇺🇸United States irinaz

Audit tools

Three major modules are available now for site audit. The goal of initiative is to improve and extend them to decrease time that site owners and developers spend on technical site audit

"Easy upgrade" tools for site builders

  • “One-click upgrade” in D9/10 in core using Migrate Drupal UI module
  • Feeds module (in beta now, targeting stable release in the fall of 2023)
  • Migrated Plus Feeds module (in development now, targeting alpha in 2023)
  • Drupal 7 to 8/9/10 Module Upgrader (in development now)
  • “One-click upgrade” in Backdrop module (in development now, targeting alpha in spring 2023)
🇺🇸United States irinaz

I have tested this version and it looks very good! @jonpugh, I think that we should merge it

🇺🇸United States irinaz

@cYu, here are my testing results

  • /admin/reports/site-audit/configuration works great, I can enable/disable report types. There are only four now, comparing to the previous version
  • On the audit page I see the following errors:
    Notice: Undefined index: audit_front_end in SiteAuditReportAbstract->getCheckNames() (line 344 of /code/sites/all/modules/site_audit-3331602/Report/Abstract.php).
    Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in SiteAuditReportAbstract->getCheckNames() (line 349 of /code/sites/all/modules/site_audit-3331602/Report/Abstract.php).
    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in SiteAuditReportAbstract->getCheckNames() (line 349 of /code/sites/all/modules/site_audit-3331602/Report/Abstract.php).
    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in SiteAuditReportAbstract->toHtml() (line 242 of /code/sites/all/modules/site_audit-3331602/Report/Abstract.php).
    Notice: Trying to get property 'score' of non-object in SiteAuditCheckInsightsAnalyze->calculateScore() (line 279 of /code/sites/all/modules/site_audit-3331602/Check/Insights/Analyze.php).
    Notice: Trying to get property 'score' of non-object in SiteAuditCheckInsightsAnalyze->calculateScore() (line 283 of /code/sites/all/modules/site_audit-3331602/Check/Insights/Analyze.php).
    Notice: Trying to get property 'pageStats' of non-object in SiteAuditCheckInsightsAnalyze->getResultPass() (line 59 of /code/sites/all/modules/site_audit-3331602/Check/Insights/Analyze.php).
    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in SiteAuditCheckInsightsAnalyze->getResultPass() (line 59 of /code/sites/all/modules/site_audit-3331602/Check/Insights/Analyze.php).
    Notice: Trying to get property 'formattedResults' of non-object in SiteAuditCheckInsightsAnalyze->getResultPass() (line 99 of /code/sites/all/modules/site_audit-3331602/Check/Insights/Analyze.php).
    Notice: Trying to get property 'ruleResults' of non-object in SiteAuditCheckInsightsAnalyze->getResultPass() (line 99 of /code/sites/all/modules/site_audit-3331602/Check/Insights/Analyze.php).
    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in SiteAuditCheckInsightsAnalyze->getResultPass() (line 99 of /code/sites/all/modules/site_audit-3331602/Check/Insights/Analyze.php).
    Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in SiteAuditCheckCodebaseSizeFiles->calculateScore() (line 68 of /code/sites/all/modules/site_audit-3331602/Check/Codebase/SizeFiles.php).

    let me know if this is helpful.

🇺🇸United States irinaz

@cYu, I will work on this today and should have test results by 2 pm Pacific, it would be FANTASTIC to announce it at Drupalcamp Asheville!!!

🇺🇸United States irinaz

I installed the module, and I can see the first results, but it seems that my instance (on Pantheon) returns
drush_get_option('html') == FALSE
What should I do to make this option TRUE so I can see the correct formatting? Many thanks in advance.

🇺🇸United States irinaz

@urvashi_vora, can you commit your patch in the branch ? We are moving away from patches.

🇺🇸United States irinaz


🇺🇸United States irinaz

clarify update path from Backdrop to Drupal 10

🇺🇸United States irinaz

@cYu, thank you so much - this is super cool, I can see page now with some data. Yes, I see all the errors as well, but this is already huge progress! thank you!

🇺🇸United States irinaz

add link to #feeds channel

🇺🇸United States irinaz

updated EOL new date

🇺🇸United States irinaz

@devkinetic, thank you! I tested this branch and I am ready to update readme for 7.x branch to indicate that now there is a web UI in Reports section to begin with.
Looking forward for other features coming in this UI :)

🇺🇸United States irinaz

This is fantastic!! Thank you so much!!

🇺🇸United States irinaz

typos update

🇺🇸United States irinaz

@ xurizaemon , very good point, thanks!  @PapaGrande, thank you, I will fix the typo :)

🇺🇸United States irinaz

@megachriz, I tested new branch on DrupalPod with address module, and it works great!!!

🇺🇸United States irinaz

@keiserjb, let me know if there is anything that will make it easier for you to get started :). Also here is related session on May 12

🇺🇸United States irinaz

@rbargerhuff, we are interested in participating in this project. Let me know if. you are still interested.

🇺🇸United States irinaz

added logo

🇺🇸United States irinaz

add logo in text

🇺🇸United States irinaz

add logo

🇺🇸United States irinaz

Hi, I am interested in leading initiative for Porting Web UI for Site audit module [Meta] Port Web UI to D7 to support migration off D7 Fixed . This is part of D7 Soft Landing initiative .

🇺🇸United States irinaz

add reference to project and issues

🇺🇸United States irinaz

I tested on a new snapshot and it works correctly for me, thanks! Ready to change to RTBC :)

🇺🇸United States irinaz

@asherry, is it possible to review MR, merge into module and create new release? We still have lots of D7 sites that us this module, and it is easier to pull new release than to patch each site :)
Thank you in advance!!

🇺🇸United States irinaz

irinaz made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇺🇸United States irinaz

@droath, when do you plan next release? Thanks, Irina

🇺🇸United States irinaz

@cosmicdreams, here are tasks

- review how we can use new templates using the DrupalCI images (which we were not able to make work).
- figure out is how to parallelize the unit tests so we get more comparable performance to DrupalCI.
and last task after camp, very important

Thanks for working on this!

🇺🇸United States irinaz

I created DrupalPod, added view with exposed filters and all values are showing up
- link to gitpod
- url of the view within snapshot /test-3328219?type%5B%5D=article&type%5B%5D=page&field_tags_target_id%5B%5D=7&field_tags_target_id%5B%5D=6&field_tags_target_id%5B%5D=9

🇺🇸United States irinaz

I support 100% using complete name for the month, not two digits, like " 2 April, 2021". @fgarlin, how difficult would it be make this change?

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