🇦🇷Argentina @gerzenstl

Account created on 9 August 2012, almost 12 years ago
  • Development Director at 42mate 

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🇦🇷Argentina gerzenstl Resistencia

I'm getting same problem on a site that only has Better Local Tasks and Gin , but I can't find a good way to reproduce it consistently.

I do believe it is related in the way that better_local_tasks_theme_registry_alter() sometimes fails to override the template in pages that aren't admin page. Using router.admin_context service is fine, many contrib and core module use it to check if a page belongs to an admin route.

🇦🇷Argentina gerzenstl Resistencia

I able to reproduce this issue on Drupal v10.2.1.

🇦🇷Argentina gerzenstl Resistencia

I can confirm the patch from #18 works.

I tested on:

Drupal 10.2.1
paragraphs_browser 1.1.0

🇦🇷Argentina gerzenstl Resistencia

I can confirm the MR #6057 works.

I tested on Drupal 10.2.1

🇦🇷Argentina gerzenstl Resistencia

I can confirm patch from #3 🐛 Debug entity print view with view_args RTBC works.

I tested in:
* Drupal 10.2.1
* Entity print 8.x-2.13

🇦🇷Argentina gerzenstl Resistencia

I'm getting this error and it happens randomly.

I can solve it by flushing the cache, but then after a couple of hours it happens again.

My site is using:
Drupal 9.5.11
metatag 2.0.0

PHP 8.1.27

🇦🇷Argentina gerzenstl Resistencia

I'm using the 9.1.x-dev version and I'm getting the Class "Drupal\menu_token\Service\MenuTokenMenuLinkManager" not found error.
I flushed the cache, but after a couple hours or if we deploy new changes, the error appears again.

I'm still looking what causes it.

🇦🇷Argentina gerzenstl Resistencia

I can confirm this MR solves compatibility issues with D10

🇦🇷Argentina gerzenstl Resistencia

We are planning to use layout_builder_iframe_modal module.

I was able to apply from patch #31 by using the workaround of installing the module from source. I used the following in composer.json file:

    "config": {
        "preferred-install": {
            "drupal/bootstrap_styles": "source",
            "*": "dist"

and then run `composer install`

🇦🇷Argentina gerzenstl Resistencia

I tried to use the patch from #101 Drupal 10 & CKEditor 5 readiness Fixed , but in "Text formats and editors" config page, when I switch the drop-down to "CKEditor 5" I get the following error in the ajax request:

TypeError: Drupal\entity_embed\Plugin\CKEditor4To5Upgrade\EntityEmbed::__construct(): Argument #3 ($plugin_definition) must be of type Drupal\ckeditor5\Plugin\CKEditor4To5UpgradePluginInterface, array given, called in /app/web/modules/contrib/entity_embed/src/Plugin/CKEditor4To5Upgrade/EntityEmbed.php on line 67 in Drupal\entity_embed\Plugin\CKEditor4To5Upgrade\EntityEmbed->__construct() (line 50 of /app/web/modules/contrib/entity_embed/src/Plugin/CKEditor4To5Upgrade/EntityEmbed.php)

BTW: the patch from #93 Drupal 10 & CKEditor 5 readiness Fixed works fine.

My environment:
* Drupal 9.5.9
* PHP 8.0
* embed 1.6
* entity_embed 1.4

I tried to use the patch from #101 Drupal 10 & CKEditor 5 readiness Fixed , but in "Text formats and editors" config page, when I switch the drop-down to "CKEditor 5" I get the following error in the ajax request:

TypeError: Drupal\entity_embed\Plugin\CKEditor4To5Upgrade\EntityEmbed::__construct(): Argument #3 ($plugin_definition) must be of type Drupal\ckeditor5\Plugin\CKEditor4To5UpgradePluginInterface, array given, called in /app/web/modules/contrib/entity_embed/src/Plugin/CKEditor4To5Upgrade/EntityEmbed.php on line 67 in Drupal\entity_embed\Plugin\CKEditor4To5Upgrade\EntityEmbed->__construct() (line 50 of /app/web/modules/contrib/entity_embed/src/Plugin/CKEditor4To5Upgrade/EntityEmbed.php)tch from #93 Drupal 10 & CKEditor 5 readiness Fixed works fine.

My environment:
* Drupal 9.5.9
* PHP 8.0
* embed 1.6
* entity_embed 1.4

🇦🇷Argentina gerzenstl Resistencia

I can reproduce this issue in a Drupal 9.5.8 site with ~6000 blocks.
This problem also affects the performance of any page (no matter if the page uses Layout Builder or not) when the cache is cleared.

On this situation, this function should only load blocks that are in use by things like LB.

🇦🇷Argentina gerzenstl Resistencia

I believe that instructions for Multisite setup based on paths are incomplete or maybe needs more work.

I was able to make this work with D9 and NGINX, but I needed to read not only the docblock in sites.php and the docs . I also read several blog posts to understand how to set virtual host to work with this approach (and I'm still looking if there is a way to avoid using symbolic links).

I think the current issue where is tracked the documentation improvements is this one . Are there any other issue mentioning something about this multi-site approach?

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