🇨🇷Costa Rica @esolano

Account created on 29 October 2007, over 17 years ago

Recent comments

🇨🇷Costa Rica esolano

Hi there! #14 works for me. We're on version `^2.0`.
Thanks for the patch!

🇨🇷Costa Rica esolano

Re-rolling patch to work with version that includes information added by Drupal.org.

🇨🇷Costa Rica esolano

Hello there. I just added a patch to issue 3442910 that might help with this.

https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/issues/3442910#comment-15887170 🐛 Error "Non-reusable blocks must set an access dependency for access control." with layout builder and media library Active

I hope it helps.

🇨🇷Costa Rica esolano

I believe the issue is that Content Blocks can have revisions turned off on a per bundle (type) basis. When this is the case, the access dependency fails to work properly in `getInlineBlockDependency` , since it tries to work on the latest revision only.

This patch might be helpful. I hope it helps.

🇨🇷Costa Rica esolano

Re-rolling patch to make it compatible with Drupal 10.3

🇨🇷Costa Rica esolano

The patch mentioned in #17 breaks the Remove button of image fields using the Entity Browser + Image Browser, on a content type.
Patch #6 fixes the original issue for me; without affecting regular image fields.

🇨🇷Costa Rica esolano

The issue is still present on the latest version (`8.x-1.16`). Re-rolling patch.

🇨🇷Costa Rica esolano

Hi @lemming thanks for the explanation and reviewing the patch. Here's the change you requested.

Production build 0.71.5 2024