Account created on 4 June 2012, about 12 years ago

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🇦🇺Australia pandaski

A change record will be helpful because I've identified that more modules could be affected:


🇦🇺Australia pandaski

We encountered this issue today while trying to update the Devel module to version 5.2.1 from 5.1.2.

We are using Drupal core 10.1.8 and Webform 6.2.2.

🇦🇺Australia pandaski

We, from GovCMS, noticed that the 2.x branch is no longer supported starting from yesterday.

Ideally, we would prefer a smooth transition from version 2.x to 3.x. We are willing to conduct tests and code reviews to make this transition as seamless as possible.

Another option is to revert to the 1.x branch, but we have concerns about potential data issues that may arise from downgrading at this time.

Our last option is to officially declare it as 'obsolete' in our distribution and patiently wait for version 3.x to be available.

🇦🇺Australia pandaski
+++ b/src/ExtractFileValidator.php
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ class ExtractFileValidator {
-        $configured_size_bytes = Bytes::toInt($configured_size);
+        $configured_size_bytes = Bytes::toNumber($configured_size);

This addresses the omitted line mentioned in the issue. 🐛 Call to undefined method Drupal\Component\Utility\Bytes::toInt() Fixed

Patch looks good

🇦🇺Australia pandaski

I came across this error in Drupal 10 and ds 3.15.0

The patch from #6 can fix the issue after local testing.


🇦🇺Australia pandaski

There is a change record "drupal_implode_tags() and drupal_explode_tags() replaced with Drupal\Component\Utility\Tags class"

With function here for Drupal 9 and 10


$regexp = '%(?:^|,|、|,\ *)("(?>[^"]*)(?>""[^"]* )*"|(?: [^",|、|,]*))%xu'; // From comment 10

The above regex looks still good at testing.

🇦🇺Australia pandaski

Unfortunately, this issue is still available with Drupal 9.4.* and above.

Steps to reproduce:

1. Install a vanilla Drupal 9.4.* or above.
2. Create a content type and a taxonomy vocabulary - "tags" for example
3. Add a new field "free tags" for example - "Entity reference field" to Step 2 taxonomy vocabulary and Allow the number of values "unlimited"
4. Check "Create referenced entities if they don't already exist"
5. Choose "Autocomplete (Tags style)" in "Manage form display"
6. Type/Copy 测试, 测试1 in the "tag" field then save the node - the tag is separated as expected
7. Type/Copy 测试,测试1,测试2 in the "tag" field then save the node - the tag is not separated

🇦🇺Australia pandaski

This is one of the key modules in GovCMS distribution, and a blocker to D10 now.

We are happy to test it if an alpha or rc is available.

🇦🇺Australia pandaski

This is one of the key modules in GovCMS distribution, and a blocker to D10 now.

We are happy to test it if an alpha or rc is available.

Production build 0.69.0 2024