🇮🇳India @prabhu9484

Account created on 13 February 2012, over 12 years ago

Recent comments

🇮🇳India prabhu9484

Seems to be a Typo between the title and description:

There are minor changes in how Drupal processes the $header variable within multi-value forms.

should be

There are minor changes in how Drupal processes the $header variable within multi-value fields.

🇮🇳India prabhu9484

Seems to be a Typo between the title and description:

There are minor changes in how Drupal processes the $header variable within multi-value forms.

should be

There are minor changes in how Drupal processes the $header variable within multi-value fields.

🇮🇳India prabhu9484

Thanks - So just to be clear on the complete solution here:
In Drupal 7.x-dev the Comments system should be a 2 step process:
1. Both "Save" and "Preview" buttons should appear directly below the Editor
2. If "Saved" the comment should be published below the node
3. If "Previewed" the comment should appear as preview in a new page, with button options of "Save" and "Discard"

Please confirm?

🇮🇳India prabhu9484

If the Online documentation is not done, is it required - If yes, should I create a new issue?

🇮🇳India prabhu9484

Also found this Updates Done in pages like https://www.drupal.org/node/3291493

Online documentation
Theming guide
Module developer documentation
Examples project
Coder Review
Coder Upgrade

🇮🇳India prabhu9484

Is this related to https://www.drupal.org/project/project_browser/issues/3330234 📌 New Categories for Project Browser - Maintainer Feedback Fixed ?

🇮🇳India prabhu9484

Is this related to https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/issues/3217163 🌱 [META] Project Browser: Browsing experience Active ?

🇮🇳India prabhu9484

Seems to be related to https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/issues/3339890 🌱 Modify issue metadata to encourage contributors Closed: duplicate

🇮🇳India prabhu9484

Seems to be related to https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/issues/2660144 🌱 [Plan] Update core components Fixed

🇮🇳India prabhu9484

So, when creating the *Information Architecture*, we found ambiguities in the terminology of *Component* and *Category*:

1. *Component* on https://www.drupal.org/project/issues/search/drupal contains around 150 items including:

Umami demo
user interface

2. *Component* on https://www.drupal.org/node/3339890/edit contains 8 items:

User interface
Views integration

3. *Category* on https://www.drupal.org/project/issues/search/drupal contains 5 items:

Bug report
Feature request
Support request


Combine the above points 2 and 3 into a single *Category* of 13 items
Remove redundant items from 1 eg:

a. user interface
b. documentation

🇮🇳India prabhu9484

Also similar to https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/issues/3217163 🌱 [META] Project Browser: Browsing experience Active

🇮🇳India prabhu9484

For any newbie to understand and use the *Drupal Contributed Modules* browser page


It may be difficult to get the full picture of all the options of Module landscape like the "Module Categories" and "Works With".
A MindMap picture of all the working parts of Drupal Modules Browser will give a clear picture of contribution landscape.
Based on this initial feedback, we should get the *Information Architecture* fundamentals set for the same.

*Proposed resolution*
List all the options in the Advanced Search filters of https://www.drupal.org/project/project_module
Create a MindMap and HTML list out of all the Advanced Search filters listed.

🇮🇳India prabhu9484

Also uploading the PDF exports:
1. MindMap export
2. List export

🇮🇳India prabhu9484

Uploading the JPG export for better image quality

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