Account created on 5 January 2005, over 19 years ago

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🇪🇪Estonia tormi Tallinn

Linked somewhat related issue for visibility.

🇪🇪Estonia tormi Tallinn

Note that there's no EntityQueue class defined in ctools module.

I had a similar warning, but for LinkitProfile class:
Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property LinkitProfile::$table is deprecated funktiossa ctools_export_load_object() (rivi 540 tiedostossa /app/web/sites/all/modules/contrib/ctools/includes/export.inc)..

The solution was to deal with LinkitProfile class in linkit module, see https://www.drupal.org/project/linkit/issues/3401666 🐛 Dynamic properties are deprecated in PHP 8.2 Needs review .

So, here we need to update the EntityQueue class in some contrib module.

Changing status to works as designed for now.

🇪🇪Estonia tormi Tallinn

Okay, this needs too much refactoring - getters and setters for every property. Let's use `AllowDynamicProperties` instead.

🇪🇪Estonia tormi Tallinn

Added a getter method to `scald.module` to retrieve the type. Let's see what tests are saying this time.

🇪🇪Estonia tormi Tallinn

In this patch, I've:

  • Removed the dynamic property assignments from the constructor.
  • Added protected properties for each of the class variables.
  • Added a setProperty() method to set properties.
  • Modified the constructor to use the setProperty() method to set properties.
🇪🇪Estonia tormi Tallinn

Installation section needs to be updated, too.

🇪🇪Estonia tormi Tallinn

I updated the timestamp comparison formula.

🇪🇪Estonia tormi Tallinn

@paulsheldrake looks interesting. Any reason to limit it to svg only?
I would use it to show inline small image for pre-loading purpouses.

Please don't! We had an incident of backups of the production database failing due to large `data:image` chunks in the database.

🇪🇪Estonia tormi Tallinn

Any ideas how to resolve this?

🇪🇪Estonia tormi Tallinn

I would keep Drush in composer update "drupal/core-*" drush/drush --with-all-dependencies. Remove Drush before update? section covers Jaypan's proposal.

🇪🇪Estonia tormi Tallinn

Patched D7 branch here: https://www.drupal.org/project/fastly/issues/3408149#comment-15356279 🐛 TypeError: in_array(): Argument #2 ($haystack) must be of type array, null given in in_array() Needs review .

🇪🇪Estonia tormi Tallinn

@irsar, what @smustgrave said in #196. I'm also trying to figure out if there's a version I can use for the latest D10.

🇪🇪Estonia tormi Tallinn

I think adding internal patches of contrib code to the project repository is not a good idea. Instead, I would introduce this approach - adding the relevant diff from MR as a static patch for composer builds. Check out a recent example:  https://www.drupal.org/project/embed/issues/3309747#comment-15251415 📌 Add CKEditor 5 compatibility and keep supporting CKEditor 4 RTBC

🇪🇪Estonia tormi Tallinn

Patch #3 has the wrong path: web/sites/default/modules/contrib/simplehtmldom/simplehtmldom.make.

🇪🇪Estonia tormi Tallinn

tormi created an issue.

🇪🇪Estonia tormi Tallinn

And another warning:

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in text_field_update() (line 346 of /app/web/sites/all/modules/contrib/scald/modules/fields/mee/mee.module).

🇪🇪Estonia tormi Tallinn

There's another similar error in the same file:

TypeError: Cannot access offset of type string on string in _mee_process_item_value() (line 826 of /app/web/sites/all/modules/contrib/scald/modules/fields/mee/mee.module).

🇪🇪Estonia tormi Tallinn

So I think it will be better to check the root cause why the serialized data are not an array, than mask this with a conversion.

Indeed, thanks.

🇪🇪Estonia tormi Tallinn

#27 required additional `position: static;` override in `.contextual-region` in `web/themes/custom/
/css/components/embedded-media.pcss.css` when using Olivero subtheme to fix the node editing mode:

.field--name-field-media {
  position: relative;
  overflow: hidden;
  width: 100%;
  padding-top: 56.25%; /* 16:9 Aspect Ratio (divide 9 by 16 = 0.5625) */
  /* Fix hidden video issue in editing mode, #35. */
  .contextual-region {
    position: static;

#62 worked flawlessly with Drupal v `10.0.7`.

🇪🇪Estonia tormi Tallinn

RTBC for me.

🇪🇪Estonia tormi Tallinn

Restoring initial status, there's nothing to review.

🇪🇪Estonia tormi Tallinn

This needs to be resolved here as well probably: array_values() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given og_create_perms.module:15.

🇪🇪Estonia tormi Tallinn

Another similar issue: array_values() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given og_create_perms.module:15.

🇪🇪Estonia tormi Tallinn

Patch with only that 1 important change (patch #10 failing currently).

🇪🇪Estonia tormi Tallinn

MegaChriz, you're correct - the source was completely empty :)

Should I close the issue or should we check if $state->removeList is countable (and give some feedback if not)?

🇪🇪Estonia tormi Tallinn

This is not a deprecation warning anymore, it's broken with softcreatr/jsonpath: Error: Call to undefined method Flow\JSONPath\JSONPath::data() in FeedsExJsonPathParserFlow->search().

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