- π³π±Netherlands megachriz
Here is a reroll of the patch in #20.
For successful using the "send email" action I also need the patch from π Integrate Typed Data Widgets Needs review . With that one you'll get a textarea instead of a textfield for the message body.
Since the patch from that issue and the patch from here conflict, here is also patch that is built on top of #2471481-174: Integrate Typed Data Widgets β . - last update
over 1 year ago 416 pass - Merge request !70Patch from #2723259-23 (rules-single-value-selector-to-array-2723259-23.patch)... β (Open) created by tr
- πͺπͺEstonia tormi Tallinn
Saved changes from #25 MR as a static patch for rules v4.0.