Thanks for the fix, now seems to work and also tests are OK.
alvar0hurtad0 → created an issue.
alvar0hurtad0 → created an issue.
alvar0hurtad0 → created an issue.
alvar0hurtad0 → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
gxleano → credited alvar0hurtad0 → .
alvar0hurtad0 → created an issue.
Thanks for your effort
alvar0hurtad0 → created an issue.
Problem/ motivation
The responsibility of the iconify service should not include writing to the file system, although it should use a caching system.
Proposed solution
* Create a new service for the cache
* Inject the cache service to the iconify service
* Create proper testing for the new service and clean the ones in the iconify service.
alvar0hurtad0 → created an issue.
alvar0hurtad0 → created an issue.
alvar0hurtad0 → created an issue.
Greetings to all our followers :)
alvar0hurtad0 → created an issue.
Thanks Joachim, I think it's now fixed.
A partir del 20 de junio que terminen los enanos con el cole y las extraescolares, sin problemas.
alvar0hurtad0 → created an issue.
Si, sin problema.
Thanks a lot Broke, for me is a great feeling to know the module is useful for someone else.
I'd be great to find a more meaningful module name:
name: URL
Same here:
* label = @Translation("URL"),
The mailto format doesn't seem to be correct:
'mailto' => 'mailto://',
I've tested the module and honestly I don't see any real difference with the plain text fields:
I'm reviewing
There's a full release of the module: →
Thanks David
True, thanks for the heads-up.
Now I understand the issue, and I think is fixed.
I think this patch applies in an old version of the module before the stable release.
Could you check if the error still exists with current release?
I could not reproduce.
removing the assigned field.
Thanks @brooke_heaton, I've submited a commit that should fix this issue.
I'll create a new release including also #3424520
yes, you'll have attribution.
let me try :)
Hello Brooke,
Thank you very much for the MR and raising the issue. Looks good to me but it'll be great if you could use a ternary operation in order to avoid an extra indentation level.
it's something we're trying to do in the whole codebase and it'll make it more homogeneous.
Thank you very much.
alvar0hurtad0 → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
I see this as a security issue:
public function access(Route $route) {
return ($this->moduleHandler->moduleExists('webform')) ? AccessResult::allowed() : AccessResult::forbidden();
In my eyes we should compliment with a permission or provide a neutral result in order to allow other existing permissions to return a forbidden if the user should not access to the route. Also the webform module is a dependency in in the info.yml file, so it seems like this access check is always true.
also includes simplifications of the module and fixes to some CS problems.
Looks good.
alvar0hurtad0 → created an issue.
Some screenshots are added and the roadmap.
I think now is way more clear how to use the module.
Some images to make things easier
alvar0hurtad0 → created an issue.
alvar0hurtad0 → created an issue.
The Mr fixes the issue for me.
Seguí los pasos de la documentación para instalar con una configuración existente:
La instalación falló al ejecutar este comando:
ddev drush si --existing-config
alvar0hurtad0 → created an issue.
Hello @fgarlin could you please confirm you can pull the repo and find a drupal instalation that makes sense?
alvar0hurtad0 → created an issue.
alvar0hurtad0 → created an issue.
Thank for your help
dan2k3k4 → credited alvar0hurtad0 → .
alvar0hurtad0 → created an issue.
alvar0hurtad0 → created an issue.
alvar0hurtad0 → created an issue.
alvar0hurtad0 → created an issue.
Para mi, los criterios mínimos de inclusión para que una camp se celebre son:
* Opciones libres de alérgenos/intolerancias en las comidas.
* Opciones veganas en las comidas.
* Requerir que las venues sean accesibles para personas con silla de ruedas.
* Obligación de aceptar el COC de la comunidad drupal junto con un grupo diverso de personas velando por que se cumpla.
* Opciones de actividades en Inglés y Español en cada slot que ocupe la camp.
* Requerir a los ponentes realizar una formación sobre charlas inclusivas (No encuentro el link de la que tuvimos que hacer en los dev days, pero me llevó menos de una hora y saqué algunos tips importantes).
* Dedicar al menos una slide en la charla de bienvenida para hablar de inclusión.
* Tipografías que prioricen la legibilidad en los programas.
penyaskito → credited alvar0hurtad0 → .
Hello @huzooka,
I've added the missing types to the tests.
Sorry for reopen the issue, but I think with this is now ready .
alvar0hurtad0 → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
LooksGood, thanks @solimanHarkas
alvar0hurtad0 → created an issue.
I actively contribute by moderating strings for the Spanish localisation. I think it is very important to give credits to moderation (accepted/rejected strings) as it is the big bottleneck.
Currently some users send large batches of strings, sometimes even translated with automatic translators, so a big part of the responsibility is transferred to the moderator and in many occasions he/she has to propose an alternative translation according to the translation guidelines for each language.
Thanks Soliman, your code helped me.
Finally move to a protected method
Thanks for the suggestions to all.
I'm doing a deep re-architecture and your suggestions are make me think.
For example this:
- if ($field_type == 'entity_reference' && (in_array($field->getSettings()['target_type'], ['node', 'media']))) {
+ $target_types = ['node', 'media'];
+ if ($field_type == 'entity_reference' && (in_array($field->getSettings()['target_type'], $target_types))) {
Motivates this issue I've just created.
Move source fields to an annotation
alvar0hurtad0 → created an issue.
Sorry for the confusion @apaderno @tgauges, you're right.
I learned something today, thanks for that.
I'll do a deeper review of the code.
Hello @tgauges,
you should include only the module in the repo.
the repository should be inisialized into the
folder in your case.
Hi @leandro713,
you can keep the tests if you add your settings in the setup method.
Hello @kishan@lnwebworks,
sorry for the ping-pong but I still see some enhancements:
* The current user.
* @var \Drupal\Core\Session\AccountProxy
protected $currentUser;
Maybe this should be @var \Drupal\Core\Session\AccountProxyInterface as the rest of attributes.
sorry I forgot to change the status
Thanks for the fixes @kishan@lnwebworks I still see some enhancements:
line 81:
* @param Drupal\Core\Messenger\MessengerInterface $messenger
* The Messenger.
There's a missing \
line 193:
if (!empty($query) && !empty($field)) {
$field variable should not be empty but I can't find the initialisation of $field variable in the method.
public function limitSubscriptions(CartEntityAddEvent $event) {
// Entity type manager service.
// Getting subscription storage.
$subscription_storage = $this->entityTypeManager->getStorage("commerce_subscription");
// Getting current user id using service.
$current_user_id = $this->currentUser->id();
// Entity query for getting subscriptions ids for subscriptions.
$query = $subscription_storage->getQuery()->condition("uid", $current_user_id)->condition("state", ["active"], "IN")->accessCheck(FALSE)->execute();
$store = $this->currentStore->getStore();
$cart = $this->cartProvider->getCart("default", $store);
$simple_products_count = 0;
$subscription_products_count = 0;
foreach ($cart->getItems() as $order_item) {
$order = $order_item->getOrder();
$entity = $order_item->getPurchasedEntity();
$has_field = $entity->hasField('billing_schedule');
$quantity = $order_item->quantity->value;
// Increment the counter for the respective product type.
if (!empty($has_field)) {
else {
if ($quantity >= 2 && !empty($has_field)) {
$matching_order_item = $this->orderItemMatcher->match($order_item, $cart->getItems());
if ($matching_order_item) {
$new_quantity = 1;
$this->messenger->addError($this->t('You have already added product subscriptions in cart.'));
$response = new RedirectResponse('/cart');
if ($subscription_products_count > 1 && !empty($has_field)) {
foreach ($cart->getItems() as $order_item) {
$this->messenger->addError($this->t('You have already added product subscriptions in cart.'));
$ord_id = $order->id();
$order = $this->entityTypeManager->getStorage('commerce_order')->load($ord_id);
if (!empty($order_item)) {
$this->cartManager->removeOrderItem($order, $order_item);
$response = new RedirectResponse('/cart');
if (!empty($query) && !empty($field)) {
$order_item = $event->getOrderItem();
$orders = $this->cartProvider->getCarts();
foreach ($orders as $order) {
$this->cartManager->removeOrderItem($order, $order_item);
$this->messenger->addError($this->t('You have already active subscriptions.'));
Great @granik
From my point of view, the provided settings should be non-existent examples or not provide example settings at all:
Ono: ""
Yoigo: ""
Vodafone: ""
Telefonica: ""
In the defined test.
The documentation refers only to drupal 8 but according to the info file, the module is also compatible with 9:
* Tests the Drupal 8 seo_keyword_links module functionality.
* @group seo_keyword_links
class SeoKeywordLinksTestTestCase extends WebTestBase {
Also WebTestBase
is deprecated in drupal 8.8 and removed in drupal 9:
According to EntityFormInterface, the save entity should return an integer value:
* @return int
* Either SAVED_NEW or SAVED_UPDATED, depending on the operation performed.
public function save(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state);
but in Form\FileRenameForm
, save() method returns also NULL:
public function save(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
$pathinfo = pathinfo($this->entity->getFileUri());
$filename_new = $form_state->getValue('new_filename') . '.' . $pathinfo['extension'];
if ($filename_new != $this->entity->getFilename()) {
$filepath_new = str_replace($this->entity->getFilename(), $filename_new, $this->entity->getFileUri());
// Invoke pre-rename hooks.
$this->moduleHandler->invokeAll('file_prerename', [$this->entity]);
// Rename existing file.
$this->fileSystem->move($this->entity->getFileUri(), $filepath_new, FileSystemInterface::EXISTS_REPLACE);
$log_args = [
'%old' => $this->entity->getFilename(),
'%new' => $filename_new,
// Update file entity.
$status = $this->entity->save();
// Notify and log.
$this->messenger()->addStatus($this->t('File %old was renamed to %new', $log_args));
$this->logger('file_entity')->info($this->t('File %old renamed to %new'), $log_args);
// Invoke hooks if there are some.
$this->moduleHandler->invokeAll('file_rename', [$this->entity]);
return $status;
return NULL;
From my point of view, the hook_help should be a bit more specific:
function clear_base64_image_help($route_name, RouteMatchInterface $route_match) {
switch ($route_name) {
case '':
$output = '';
$output .= '<h3>' . t('About') . '</h3>';
$output .= '<h3>' . t('Configuration') . '</h3>';
return $output;
In /src/Form/ClearBase64ImageList.php line 121 maybe should use render array rather than build the link.
Markup::create('<a href="' . $data['description'] . '" target="_blank"> Display </a>'),
same file, lines 318 and next
if ($getImgType) {
$mime_type = 'png';
if ($getImgType == 2) {
$mime_type = 'jpg';
Seems to override once and again the same variable. Also I think some constants should be used in oder to make the code easier to understand.
Line 328
$new_file = empty($imgTitle) ? $directory . $node->nid->value . '-' . substr($linkHref, 120, 10) . '-' . $date . '.' . $mime_type : $directory . $imgTitle . '.' . $mime_type;
Maybe needs some explanaition in comments, as the link substr($linkHref, 120, 10)
really depends on variable factors.
In general for that file we should not mix camel case and snake case in same file: →