🇳🇱 Amsterdam
Account created on 24 January 2007, over 17 years ago

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🇳🇱Netherlands Dries Arnolds 🇳🇱 Amsterdam

I do have some spam signups again, so it might already be going on. Not many, but they are the typical spam signups where the name and e-mail share no relation (Name field does not match e-mail field) and they are all US based addresses and the list is of a Dutch language magazine.

🇳🇱Netherlands Dries Arnolds 🇳🇱 Amsterdam

The settings are default Simple settings, with CDN domain filled in. I also tried the scheme relative setting, but it makes no difference.

🇳🇱Netherlands Dries Arnolds 🇳🇱 Amsterdam

Dries Arnolds created an issue.

🇳🇱Netherlands Dries Arnolds 🇳🇱 Amsterdam

No that was it. Thank you for your quick answer.

🇳🇱Netherlands Dries Arnolds 🇳🇱 Amsterdam

Is there a reason that we can't just change the icon ourselves through the Embed Buttons configuration at /admin/config/content/embed?

I mean, I can change it there, but nothing happens. Not even after rigorous cache clearing...

🇳🇱Netherlands Dries Arnolds 🇳🇱 Amsterdam

@trebormc, I resolved it by running the update again. Thanks for your help.

🇳🇱Netherlands Dries Arnolds 🇳🇱 Amsterdam

I did clear cache a couple of times. But i guess the update didn't go well. I should've suspected as much since this was the only site with a problem.

🇳🇱Netherlands Dries Arnolds 🇳🇱 Amsterdam

A couple of users have reported getting a "Submission failed. Please reload the page, ensure JavaScript is enabled and try again" error. I have confirmed that javascript is on for them. Is there any error in the key scrambling or other logic that was introduced in the patch?

edit: I have now tested myself on one site and also get that message when filling out any form that is protected (login/webform). I have javascript on and tested incognito without any extensions.

I tried both the patch and the updated module.

🇳🇱Netherlands Dries Arnolds 🇳🇱 Amsterdam

I'll add my 2 cents: Installed on two sites on friday (the ones with the most spam). They received no more spam since then. The other sites that run antibot still received a lot of spam. Also legitimate submissions still arrived (test and real-world).

🇳🇱Netherlands Dries Arnolds 🇳🇱 Amsterdam

The solution from #57 still works fine on Drupal 10.2. Is there any reason not to (reroll and) commit this?

🇳🇱Netherlands Dries Arnolds 🇳🇱 Amsterdam

Some more details that might be useful:
- my forms are not visible on a dedicated link (only added to a page through a reference field)
- most sites are running the latest version of Drupal, Antibot and Webform (although the problem occurred on a D9 site as well)
- all sites have recent versions of PHP/MySQL

🇳🇱Netherlands Dries Arnolds 🇳🇱 Amsterdam

Same here. Registrations, Webforms etc are defeated regularly.

I also tried adding the Honeypot module ( https://www.drupal.org/project/honeypot ) into the mix, but that didn't make much of a difference. I really hate captcha modules, so I hope we can find out how they do it and come up with a solution.

🇳🇱Netherlands Dries Arnolds 🇳🇱 Amsterdam

The patch in #20 works fine. Can we get this committed?

🇳🇱Netherlands Dries Arnolds 🇳🇱 Amsterdam

I ran into this and the patch solved the problem for me.

🇳🇱Netherlands Dries Arnolds 🇳🇱 Amsterdam

I updated to RC5 and it doesn't happen to me anymore.

🇳🇱Netherlands Dries Arnolds 🇳🇱 Amsterdam

I ran into this as well and the patch in #57 fixed it. I'm on Drupal 9.5.8.

🇳🇱Netherlands Dries Arnolds 🇳🇱 Amsterdam

I have the same issue with a generated subtheme (so not Pixture). I have no specific node access or term access modules installed.

🇳🇱Netherlands Dries Arnolds 🇳🇱 Amsterdam

It would be nice to get this committed. I tested the patch and the error disappears. All functionality seems to work like expected.

🇳🇱Netherlands Dries Arnolds 🇳🇱 Amsterdam

At first I liked the idea of Shy One-Time, and it worked for a while.
But then I had a project with almost exclusively business vistors and some people who still couldn't log in. I know some had custom domains for security checks. Those were not in the CrawlerDetect library that Shy ONe-Time uses.

I think Nicholas' solution is the way to go. I tested the patch and it works like a charm. Only issue I had is that the Login button was labeled as Reset.

🇳🇱Netherlands Dries Arnolds 🇳🇱 Amsterdam

This is also very important to my use cases, where people tend to mix use of desktop and mobile...

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