JavaScriptComponent config entities should have mutable machineNames

Created on 30 January 2025, about 1 month ago


During the implementation of ✨ HTTP API for code component config entities Active , something tangentially related was discussed between @balintbrews, @effulgentsia and @larowlan. That led to this comment by BÑlint:

I would like to propose that we don't use the machineName property as the id entity key in the JavaScriptComponent entity. We would like to allow users to update the machine name of a code component, which is not possible if that property is the id.

We could use the UUID as the id instead, which would be ideal for the HTTP API.

I already had a conversation about this with @larowlan and @effulgentsia, and got πŸ‘πŸ‘. If this significantly delays landing this issue, a follow-up is fine, I already have the code written in ✨ Managing code components in library Active with machineName as the id.

#3499931-23: HTTP API for code component config entities β†’ .

However, this caused some additional consequences, in particular wrt XB product requirement 14. Configuration management. @wimleers surfaced concerns about that in #3499931-25: HTTP API for code component config entities β†’ . In ✨ HTTP API for code component config entities Active @wimleers decided to

Proposed resolution

  1. Bring back what @larowlan did in through
  2. but first discuss the consequences for config management that @wimleers surfaced
  3. and first discuss the consequences for allowing "code component" machine names to be changed at any time

User interface changes


πŸ“Œ Task





Config management

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πŸ‡§πŸ‡ͺBelgium wim leers Ghent πŸ‡§πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Ί

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