- Issue created by @mcgovernm
- Merge request !10999Cleaning up Taxonomy hooks and updating baseline. β (Open) created by Unnamed author
- πΊπΈUnited States nicxvan
@oily, please make sure when you're editing the issue summary you're reviewing what is actually needed, there are definitely remaining tasks for this issue, they are just not added yet.
- πΊπΈUnited States nicxvan
@mcgovernm this is a great first step!
I think there are a couple of things we want to do in these that we wouldn't normally do for organization since they are hooks.
1. Add the appropriate return types for the methods if they do not exist.
2. Add dependency injection.These are autowired, in case you are not familiar with in general it means you should be able to just add a use statement for the interface of the service you need, then add that service to the constructor.
Let me know if you have any questions!
I'll take a deeper look later.
- π¬π§United Kingdom oily Greater London
@nicxvan wrt #5
@oily, please make sure when you're editing the issue summary you're reviewing what is actually needed, there are definitely remaining tasks for this issue, they are just not added yet.
I did not edit 'Remaining tasks'. It is blank. If you are referring to the other fields, I filled them based on what I thought appropriate. 'None' could be thought of as 'None' ever or 'None' just now.
- πΊπΈUnited States nicxvan
You did add none to remaining tasks, I removed it in comment 5.
You did the same in this issue here too: π Drupal\Core\Theme\ComponentNegotiator::negotiate uses a lot of memory Active
I agree keeping issue summaries up to date is useful, I'm not trying to discourage you from updating them.
I am trying to encourage you to review the actual issue and provide relevant updates.
There are remaining tasks both in this issue and the other, no need to write them or if you don't know what they are, but none is not accurate.
- π¬π§United Kingdom oily Greater London
@nicxvan RE: #10 I did not realise you had had to redo. I dont want to create work for others. So I agree, I will be more circumspect about completing issue summaries.
- πΊπΈUnited States nicxvan
taxonomy_theme_suggestions_taxonomy_term can be manually converted, the rector rule missed all theme suggestions.