- Issue created by @gantal
- First commit to issue fork.
- 🇺🇸United States yonghua
I've made a small change in the navigation-menu.html.twig file that adds an "Overview" link as the first item in the dropdown
- Merge request !9757Issue #3478869 Add "All" or overview links to parent links → (Open) created by yonghua
- 🇫🇮Finland simohell
There are similar findings from user testing. We however don't know what is the best way to tackle the issue.
This is also related to a bigger discussion on wether or not we benefit from such overview-pages in admin path structure. This comes up every once in a while in UX discussions when we are moving pages from one top level menu to another.
- 🇫🇮Finland simohell
I this passes for usability, there probably needs to be additional code for accessibility. This would add several links with the same text, so it would be good to have aria-label to always include the actual name of the page in question (WCAG 2.4.4).
- 🇺🇸United States michaellander
I think part of the challenge we are finding while using navigation every day, is a module might add an admin link to the navigation, without any children, with the expectation that a user goes there to configure it. Other modules might extend that modules functionality and add sub pages. So a page that may have originally stood on it's own inadvertently becomes the overview for other modules. I definitely get the idea around eliminating the generic overview link list pages, but in an open ecosystem, it's definitely likely that a sole page could later become a parent.
- 🇺🇸United States michaellander
Looks like this may be related to or a duplicate of 📌 Parent menu items with URLs are not linked to, do we make these available? Closed: outdated
- 🇮🇳India nikhil_110
Yes, I also checked this issue. It's a duplicate of 📌 Parent menu items with URLs are not linked to, do we make these available? Closed: outdated I think we should close this issue.