Superfish submenu problem

Created on 30 April 2024, about 2 months ago
Updated 8 May 2024, about 2 months ago

Hello, my website has a static menu. I want to add submenus to it and I tried almost all the possible modules out there, Superfish being the one that matches my expectations more than any other.

I get to position the menu in the header block nicely. (Didnt fix the position when I took the screenshot).
However, the submenus appear behind the content of my website (block). I can provide the website's theme if needed.

I tried playing with Superfish's CSS Style (white) but unfortunately I cannot manage to make the submenus appear above any other content.

I provided a screenshot as well, you see the submenu has like 3-4 items but only the first in shown since the rest of the submenu render is hidden beneath the next block.

Any help is more than welcome and I'll try to provide as much as information I can.

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