Account created on 1 March 2024, 4 months ago

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Thanks for helping.
The error I got in console is: $.cookie is not a function

the js-cookie library is deprecated in Drupal 10 indeed, but the module(s) depedencies had to be changed to js-cookie to be able to upgrade to D10.

If its deprecated, what library do I have to use?

CTA means Call to Action, I suspect its due to jquery.cookie replaced with js-cookie. Before I upgrade to D10, upgrade_status reports:

The 'global' library is depending on a deprecated library. The core/jquery.cookie asset library is deprecated in Drupal 9.0.0 and will be removed in Drupal 10.0.0. Use the core/js-cookie library instead.

So I change in my module(s) core/jquery.cookie to core/js-cookie and upgrade_status does not complain anymore.

I am able to upgrade to D10 without any problems but my buttons or popups dont work anymore.

I have for example a button that when you click on it it shows a webform where you put your name and email and submit it.

Those webforms wont open once in D10.

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