- Issue created by @nsciacca
- π¬π§United Kingdom Sophie.SK
Ah, I'm so glad you posted this. One of our clients has had this same issue this week, having followed the steps outlined in a Search API Solr issue previously: https://www.drupal.org/project/search_api_solr/issues/3401710 π¬ Updating to 4.3 Errors Fixed
It would be good to know what the cause is and when there may be a fix.
- πΊπΈUnited States nsciacca
Update: one of our sites randomly reverted back to 4.2.10 on 3/1 even though there was no deploy. This is a huge problem as it prevents new items from being indexed and there's no notice or warning other than our customers reporting missing content.
- π¬π§United Kingdom Sophie.SK
Since this causes a reduction in service for clients, and can happen randomly, I'm raising the priority to "Major".
Happy to help out testing any patches.
- πΊπΈUnited States nsciacca
I've been communicating with Pantheon's support staff and they've said:
Good day, for an update, Pantheon Platform Engineers already released an update to the Search API Pantheon module https://www.drupal.org/project/search_api_pantheon β just today. The latest version 8.1.7 contains fixes for the Sticky Solr Schema.
I'll be installing this and monitoring on site asap.
- πΊπΈUnited States Ec1ipsis
Just a quick heads up, we've released two versions (8.1.7 and 8.1.8) which resolve bugs that caused this issue. Let us know if you still see it after updates!
- π΅πPhilippines danreb
Bumping this up, this is still happening as it seems the default Solr Schema template of Pantheon containers is using Solr Schema 4.2 and that's the reason why creating a new multidev environment is installed with Solr Schema 4.2 instead of the Solr Schema provided by the search_api_solr module.
Not sure if there is a plan to update the default Solr Schema, or at least fix the reposting of Solr Schema.
- πΊπΈUnited States bsnodgrass
We can confirm the Solr Schema on Pantheon (all environments) is 4.2.10 with search_api_pantheon 8.1.8, search_api 8.x-1.34, and search_api_solr 4.3.3
/admin/config/search/search-api/server/pantheon_solr8 reports the following:
Schema Version 4.2.10
Schema drupal-4.2.10-solr-8.x-1
Minimal required schema version 4.3.0
Preferred schema version 4.3.3
Configured Solr Version 8.0.0
Detected Solr Version 8.11.2Per #5 our Solr Schema did not revert from 4.3.1 AFAIK it has been 4.2.10 since we configured our search. Our new content is being indexed on creation. We do have synonyms defined however and those are not working as expected.
- πΊπΈUnited States dorficus
To echo what @bsnodgrass mentioned in #11, I did quite a bit of research trying to find what, if anything, was causing the schema to not get fully updated.
I posted most of my findings on https://www.drupal.org/project/search_api_pantheon/issues/3449701 π¬ Support for Configuring Synonyms Active , which seems to be related, but the TL;DR is that it appears there is a hidden schema somewhere on the Pantheon platform that is not being overridden by the custom schema that is posted. For more details on my findings, please check the linked issue.Until we have access to be able to update the actual config, I don't believe this issue will be solved.
- πΊπΈUnited States bsnodgrass
per @danreb on https://www.drupal.org/project/search_api_pantheon/issues/3449701#commen... π¬ Support for Configuring Synonyms Active
He confirmed "The default Solr schema in Pantheon platform was set to 4.2.10, currently reposting of Solr Schema on Pantheon was broken (Sticky Solr Schema bug)"
and recommended. "If you want your custom config to take affect, what you need to do right now is to open a ticket and let the CSE or the platform engineers reposted the config for you in the affected environments."
- πΊπΈUnited States kwiseman
To follow up on #11 π Search API Schema reverts back to 4.2 after deploys or randomly Active : We're now experiencing this issue too. The Solr schema version has spontaneously reverted back to 4.2.10 on all of our environments and multidevs except for Live for a site after being set to 4.3.3.
- π΅πPhilippines danreb
@kwiseman have you opened a support ticket already? For newly created multidev, it will use the default 4.2.10 Solr Schema and will need reposting.
- π΅πPhilippines danreb
Here is the latest update for the issue on this thread, from the Pantheon Platform engineers.
The root cause of this issue of Solr Schema reversion to default (4.2.10) comes from upgrades and migrating of cores. Migrating should preserve the schema (and other config files), but there is an edge case where a new core is created with the old schema (our default).
Platform engineers are already tracking this internally and working on the prevention.
If in case this happens to customer sites, go to the Search API Pantheon Admin page and repost the Solr Schema, wait for at least 5 minutes for the configuration to take effect (Pantheon platform is checking every 5 minutes if there is an update in Solr Schema and then will issue a reload), then reset the tracker (run
drush sapi-rt
) and re-index the site (drush sapi-i
).Alternatively, if in case you are not able to update the Solr Schema, open a ticket and a member of the Technical Support Team will attend to it.
- πΊπΈUnited States tjmoyer
When I attempt to go to the Search API Pantheon Admin page I get this error and cannot access the page at all:
TypeError: Drupal\search_api_pantheon_admin\Form\PantheonSolrAdminForm::getViewSolrFile(): Argument #2 ($contents) must be of type string, array given, called in /code/web/modules/composer/search_api_pantheon/modules/search_api_pantheon_admin/src/Form/PantheonSolrAdminForm.php on line 77 in Drupal\search_api_pantheon_admin\Form\PantheonSolrAdminForm->getViewSolrFile() (line 103 of /code/web/modules/composer/search_api_pantheon/modules/search_api_pantheon_admin/src/Form/PantheonSolrAdminForm.php).
There is an issue posted related to this: https://www.drupal.org/project/search_api_pantheon/issues/3467907 π Error when trying to access Pantheon Search Admin page Active .
- πΊπΈUnited States tjmoyer
Work around for re-posting schema: you can use the module's drush command
to post the correct schema, as long as you have the correct schema in your codebase. I use Docksal and have the schema in the Docksal configuration in a non-public directory so was able to post schema successfully.Steps to achieve this:
- Apply the plain diff from the Logger misconfigured for Drush 12+ π Logger misconfigured for Drush 12 Active issue. Without this you'll get a drush error if you're running drush 12 or above.
- Run
terminus drush [site].[env] search-api-pantheon:postSchema [server_id] [path-to-schema-directory]
. The server_id default is "pantheon_solr8". This may look liketerminus drush example.dev search-api-pantheon:postSchema pantheon_solr8 ../non-public/schema/directory/path/
- πΊπΈUnited States les lim
If you're having trouble accessing the Pantheon Search Admin tab to re-post the schema, you can still probably still do so without Drush. Go directly to the Post Schema form page for your server at this path:
- π΅πPhilippines danreb
This is now an incident that is being work on by Pantheon engineers https://status.pantheon.io/incidents/rv8bw0v6rbjy hoping to be resolve soon.
- πΊπΈUnited States pwtyler
The update just released in 8.2.0 should mitigate the reverts.
8.2.0 adds automatic core reloads after schema updates and reload functionality through both UI and Drush commands. Installing 8.2 and running
drush search-api-pantheon:postSchema [server_id] [path-to-schema-directory]
again (or posting from the UI) should maintain the index integrity in the future. - π΅πPhilippines danreb
Pantheon just released Search API Pantheon module version 8.2.0 that should mitigate the reverts issue and also adds automatic core reloads after schema updates. This is also expected customers to post custom Solr schema without the interventions of CSE.
Pantheon customers can test the module and the incident has been moved to monitoring.
I will move this issue queue to "needs review"
- heddn Nicaragua
The issues from https://www.drupal.org/project/search_api_pantheon/issues/3461920 π Logger misconfigured for Drush 12 Active have cropped up again.
$ terminus drush "${PANTHEON_SITE}.${PANTHEON_ENV}" -- updatedb --no-cache-clear -y [error] TypeError: Drush\Commands\DrushCommands::logger(): Return value must be of type ?Drush\Log\DrushLoggerManager, Drupal\Core\Logger\LoggerChannel returned in Drush\Commands\DrushCommands->logger() (line 77 of /code/vendor/drush/drush/src/Commands/DrushCommands.php) #0 /code/vendor/drush/drush/src/Runtime/ServiceManager.php(480): Drush\Commands\DrushCommands->logger() #1 /code/vendor/drush/drush/src/Boot/DrupalBoot8.php(282): Drush\Runtime\ServiceManager->inflect(Object(League\Container\Container), Object(Drupal\search_api_pantheon\Commands\Reload)) #2 /code/vendor/drush/drush/src/Boot/DrupalBoot8.php(218): Drush\Boot\DrupalBoot8->addDrupalModuleDrushCommands(Object(Drush\Boot\BootstrapManager))
- Status changed to Fixed
about 1 month ago 4:48am 25 January 2025 - π΅πPhilippines danreb
Sticky Solr Schema and reversion was fixed in Search API Pantheon version 8.2.1+
Let's put this on Fixed status.
Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.