πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States @tjmoyer

Account created on 30 March 2009, over 15 years ago

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πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States tjmoyer

I ran into this issue and found that there were errors in the logs to indicated this was related to issue 3424724 πŸ› Search API Schema reverts back to 4.2 after deploys or randomly Active where the solr schema had reverted to 4.2.x from 4.3.x. I tried re-posting using drush, but ran into a different an error there. I was able to patch for that error, re-post schema using drush, and then could access the Search API Pantheon admin page. Details on this here: https://www.drupal.org/project/search_api_pantheon/issues/3424724#commen... πŸ› Search API Schema reverts back to 4.2 after deploys or randomly Active .

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States tjmoyer

Work around for re-posting schema: you can use the module's drush command search-api-pantheon:postSchema to post the correct schema, as long as you have the correct schema in your codebase. I use Docksal and have the schema in the Docksal configuration in a non-public directory so was able to post schema successfully.

Steps to achieve this:

  1. Apply the plain diff from the Logger misconfigured for Drush 12+ πŸ› Logger misconfigured for Drush 12 Active issue. Without this you'll get a drush error if you're running drush 12 or above.
  2. Run terminus drush [site].[env] search-api-pantheon:postSchema [server_id] [path-to-schema-directory]. The server_id default is "pantheon_solr8". This may look like terminus drush example.dev search-api-pantheon:postSchema pantheon_solr8 ../non-public/schema/directory/path/
πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States tjmoyer

When I attempt to go to the Search API Pantheon Admin page I get this error and cannot access the page at all:
TypeError: Drupal\search_api_pantheon_admin\Form\PantheonSolrAdminForm::getViewSolrFile(): Argument #2 ($contents) must be of type string, array given, called in /code/web/modules/composer/search_api_pantheon/modules/search_api_pantheon_admin/src/Form/PantheonSolrAdminForm.php on line 77 in Drupal\search_api_pantheon_admin\Form\PantheonSolrAdminForm->getViewSolrFile() (line 103 of /code/web/modules/composer/search_api_pantheon/modules/search_api_pantheon_admin/src/Form/PantheonSolrAdminForm.php).

There is an issue posted related to this: https://www.drupal.org/project/search_api_pantheon/issues/3467907 πŸ› Error when trying to access Pantheon Search Admin page Active .

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States tjmoyer

Thanks @andyf. I am running D10.3+ with CKEditor 5 and the patch for πŸ“Œ Not compatible with Ckeditor5 Needs review . I'm using the plain diff on that issue to get the lastest changes: https://git.drupalcode.org/project/linkit_media_library/-/merge_requests.... I just re-installed the patch and it is working now that your recommended change went into it. Thanks!

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States tjmoyer

Updated the patch to work with Facets 2.0.8.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States tjmoyer

Thanks @mark_fullmer!

I'd be happy to test the solution for the other issue on the 2.x branch but I don't see any posts other than the initial issue description.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States tjmoyer

@mark_fullmer The problem is that while the 2.x branch fixes this issue, it introduces a new one: https://www.drupal.org/project/responsive_tables_filter/issues/3460761 πŸ› Module causes javascript problems in edit form Active . So I had to revert to the 8.x-1.x branch, which does not include this fix.

@mortona2k Your patch is empty. Can you check it and try reposting?

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States tjmoyer

I take it back: it does not work with Drupal 10.3.0, though it could be related to updates to Symfony, such as a recent update of symfony/validator (v6.4.8) to (v6.4.9).

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States tjmoyer

Unintended consequence here: Views using the "Display a specified number of items" pager and a more link no longer display the more link now that this patch has been committed. The more link does show if you switch to another pager, but not this one. Commenting out the lines added to core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/pager/Some.php makes the more link display properly again.

I think to address the original issue, the total-rows number was correct as that's the total number or rows before any pager is used. To get the total number of shown results you should use something like [view:items_per_page] instead.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States tjmoyer

To clarify, this patch gets applied to 1.5 instead of upgrading to 1.6 for Drupal 8.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States tjmoyer

Here's a re-roll of #32 for Drupal 9.5.2. and Entity Embed 8.x-1.3.

Production build 0.71.5 2024