[meta] Change !isset to the null coalescing assignment operator ??=.

Created on 22 February 2024, 10 months ago
Updated 27 March 2024, 9 months ago


For example,

A: in core/modules/jsonapi/src/Normalizer/ResourceObjectNormalizer.php, in function getNormalization,
$base['links'] = $base['links'] ?? $this->serializer->normalize($object->getLinks(), $format, $context)->omitIfEmpty();
could be changed in,
$base['links'] ??= $this->serializer->normalize($object->getLinks(), $format, $context)->omitIfEmpty();

B: in core/modules/layout_discovery/layout_discovery.module, in function template_preprocess_layout,

    if (!isset($variables['content'][$name]['#attributes'])) {
      $variables['content'][$name]['#attributes'] = [];

could be changed in,
$variables['content'][$name]['#attributes'] ??= [];

Steps to reproduce

Proposed resolution

From #2 πŸ“Œ Switch long-form single-line assign and null coalesce (= ??) to null coalesce assign operator (??=) Needs work in πŸ“Œ Switch long-form single-line assign and null coalesce (= ??) to null coalesce assign operator (??=) Needs work ,

.... assume there are many similar changes we could make across all of core, and ideally a coding standards sniff we could enable to prevent this code from creeping back in.

Ideally we would change all instances of this across core in one go,

A code sniffing rule exists about this topic,
but is missing in,
that is,
<rule ref="SlevomatCodingStandard.ControlStructures.RequireNullCoalesceEqualOperator" />

From #3418494-#31 πŸ“Œ Switch long-form single-line assign and null coalesce (= ??) to null coalesce assign operator (??=) Needs work the corresponding phpcs command for this rule is,
phpcs --standard=SlevomatCodingStandard --sniffs=SlevomatCodingStandard.ControlStructures.RequireNullCoalesceEqualOperator core

Remaining tasks

A: πŸ“Œ Switch long-form single-line assign and null coalesce (= ??) to null coalesce assign operator (??=) Needs work
B: πŸ“Œ Use null coalescing assignment operator: multi-lines case. Needs work
B1: πŸ“Œ Change !isset to ??= assignment operator: generator and their generated files case. Needs review
B2: πŸ“Œ Use null coalescing assignment operator ??=: phpstan obstruction case. Closed: won't fix

User interface changes

API changes

Data model changes

Release notes snippet

πŸ“Œ Task

Needs work


11.0 πŸ”₯

OtherΒ  β†’

Last updated 7 minutes ago

Created by

πŸ‡«πŸ‡·France Chris64 France

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