Automatic conversion to SDC & UI Patterns 2.x

Created on 3 February 2024, 11 months ago


Let's start to run the automatic conversion to SDC and UI Patterns 2.x, as provided by the new ui_patterns_legacy sub-module.

Proposed resolution


$ drush en ui_patterns_legacy
$ drush upm ui_suite_dsfr
$ drush upu ui_suite_dsfr

Remaining tasks

Only one issue found so far:

operator_logo slot in page.html.twig:

  {{ pattern('header', {
    'logo_text': page.logo,
    'operator_logo': page.header_operator_logo,
    'service_title': site_name,
    'service_tagline': site_slogan,
    'tools_links': page.header_tools_links,
    'tools_search': page.header_tools_search,
    'navbar': page.header_navbar,
  }) }}

trigger this: Error: Call to undefined method Drupal\Core\Url::render() in Drupal\Core\Template\Attribute->__toString()

but we don't know yet if it an issue from ui_suite_dsfr, ui_patterns_legacy, ui_patterns 2.x or SDC.

📌 Task






Created by

🇫🇷France pdureau Paris

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Comments & Activities

  • Issue created by @pdureau
  • 🇫🇷France mogtofu33

    Some minor errors left (detected with ui_patterns_devel):

    Component: ui_suite_dsfr:alert
    [dismissible] Boolean value found, but a string, a number, an integer or an object is required
    [dismissible] Does not have a value in the enumeration ["","core","custom"]
    Component: ui_suite_dsfr:link
    [icon] Does not have a value in the enumeration [...]
    Component: ui_suite_dsfr:button
    [icon] Does not have a value in the enumeration [...]
  • 🇫🇷France pdureau Paris

    I have rebased from 1.0.x branch, and I don't reproduce the issue. Maybe it was fixed by the team.

  • 🇫🇷France StephJ

    i am testing the current code in the MR and found a few minor isues :

    - the composer.json requires ui_patterns 1.x
    - in the alert component, dismissible prop seems problematic. would it be better to have $ref: 'ui-patterns://boolean' instead of an enum
    - in the translate component, "links.description" has value "null".

    thank you

  • 🇫🇷France pdureau Paris

    Let's use this MR as the first commit of new 1.1.x branch, with those changes:

    • the automatic conversion to SDC we are already doing every few days
    • + manual stuff:
      • the removal of templates/patterns folder
      • the removal of ui_suite_dsfr_preprocess_pager
      • the removal of ui_suite_dsfr_preprocess_breadcrumb
      • replace pattern() by component():
        components/france_connect/france_connect.twig:    {{ pattern('link',
        components/nav_menu/nav_menu.twig:                  {{ pattern('link', {
        components/consent_banner/consent_banner.twig:    pattern('button', {label: 'Accept all'|t,
        components/consent_banner/consent_banner.twig:    pattern('button', {label: 'Refuse all'|t,
        components/consent_banner/consent_banner.twig:    pattern('button', {label: 'Personalize'|t,
        components/consent_banner/consent_banner.twig:  {{ pattern('button_group', {
        components/consent_banner/consent_banner.twig:{{ pattern('modal', {
        components/consent_banner/consent_banner.twig:  body: pattern('consent_manager', {
        components/content_media/content_media.twig:    {{ pattern('transcription', {
        components/consent_manager/consent_manager.twig:  {{ pattern('button_group', {
        components/consent_manager/consent_manager.twig:    buttons: [pattern('button', {label: 'Confirm my choices'|t})]
  • 🇫🇷France pdureau Paris

    We also need to get rid of those 3 preprocesses:

    function ui_suite_dsfr_preprocess_pattern_footer_menu(array &$variables) {
      foreach ($variables['items'] as &$item) {
        /* Some stuff we can remove... */
        // It seems UrlHelper::setAllowedProtocols() doesn't support mailto.
        if (!str_starts_with(strtolower($item['url']), 'mailto:')
            && UrlHelper::isExternal($item['url'])
            && !UrlHelper::externalIsLocal($item['url'], \Drupal::request()->getSchemeAndHttpHost())) {
          $item['link_attributes']['target'] = '_blank';
    function ui_suite_dsfr_preprocess_pattern_button(array &$variables) {
      if (empty($variables['url'])) {
      if ($variables['url'] instanceof MarkupInterface) {
        $variables['url'] = (string) $variables['url'];
      if ($variables['url'] instanceof Url) {
        $variables['url'] = $variables['url']->toString();
      // It seems UrlHelper::setAllowedProtocols() doesn't support mailto.
      if (!str_starts_with(strtolower($variables['url']), 'mailto:')
        && UrlHelper::isExternal($variables['url'])
        && !UrlHelper::externalIsLocal($variables['url'], \Drupal::request()->getSchemeAndHttpHost())) {
        $variables['external'] = TRUE;
    function ui_suite_dsfr_preprocess_pattern_link(array &$variables) {
      if (empty($variables['url'])) {
      if ($variables['url'] instanceof MarkupInterface) {
        $variables['url'] = (string) $variables['url'];
      if ($variables['url'] instanceof Url) {
        $variables['url'] = $variables['url']->toString();
      // It seems UrlHelper::setAllowedProtocols() doesn't support mailto.
      if (!str_starts_with(strtolower($variables['url']), 'mailto:')
        && UrlHelper::isExternal($variables['url'])
        && !UrlHelper::externalIsLocal($variables['url'], \Drupal::request()->getSchemeAndHttpHost())) {
        $variables['external'] = TRUE;

    I don't know how to replace them yet. Maybe I will just remove them and create a 1.x issue to restore their logic elsewhere.

  • 🇫🇷France pdureau Paris


    • LinksSettingsType calls removed
    • UI Patterns 1.x preprocesses removed
    • Switch to new templates in templates/overrides/ui_patterns_library/

    Next steps before merging as the first commit of 1.1.x:

    Will be moved to dedicated 1.1.x issues (we don't do them now in order to be able to keep rebasing from 1.0.x as long as possible):

    • Remove templates/patterns/ folder and move templates/overrides/ to templates/
    • Restore the features lost by the preprocess removal
    • Replace pattern() Twig function by component()
    • Replace pattern() Twig function by component()

    1.1.x branch will also benefits from:

  • 🇫🇷France pdureau Paris


    • LinksSettingsType calls removed
    • UI Patterns 1.x preprocesses removed
    • Switch to new templates in templates/overrides/ui_patterns_library/
    • Update ui_examples
    • Rebase 1.0.x and run drush upm ui_suite_dsfr after [2.0.0-beta4] Add a stories specific discovery Needs work is merged in UIP2)

    Next steps before merging as the first commit of 1.1.x:

    • If possible, rebase 1.0.x and run drush upm ui_suite_dsfr after the release of 1.0.2

    Will be moved to dedicated 1.1.x issues (we don't do them now in order to be able to keep rebasing from 1.0.x as long as possible):

    • Remove templates/patterns/ folder and move templates/overrides/ to templates/
    • Restore the features lost by the preprocess removal
    • Replace pattern() Twig function by component()
    • Adopt the new Drupal Core Icon API & UI Icons

    1.1.x branch will also benefits from:

  • 🇫🇷France pdureau Paris


    1. Intial drush upm ui_suite_dsfr executed
    2. LinksSettingsType calls removed
    3. UI Patterns 1.x preprocesses removed
    4. Switch to new templates in templates/overrides/ui_patterns_library/
    5. Update ui_examples
    6. Remove Drupal 9 support: ^10.3.4 || ^11. Abd remove ui_patterns_library dependency.
    7. Rebase 1.0.x and run drush upm ui_suite_dsfr after the release of 1.0.2
    8. Remove templates/patterns/ folder and move templates/overrides/ to templates/
    9. Run prettier a last time

    Next issues (after this one):

    • pdureau committed 0b5ea525 on 1.1.x
      Issue #3419042 by pdureau: Conversion to SDC & UI Patterns 2.x
  • Merge request !122Pierre proposal → (Closed) created by pdureau
  • Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.

Production build 0.71.5 2024