- Issue created by @charles belov
If I zoom the admin interface to the point where the admin menu covers the admin content, then navigating around the admin content re-opens the admin menu and I have to keep re-closing it. I'm tagging this as Accessibility because it's something that that breaks usability if I use an accessibility feature of the browser.
1. Go to simplytest.me
2. In the field type "Core"
3. Select Drupal core
4. Click to create the 10.2.0 site
5. Login as admin
6. Click Manage
7. Click Structure
8. Repeatedly press command-shift-= until the admin menu partially covers the admin content
9. Click Manage to close the menu
10. Scroll down to "Content types" and click that link
Expected result: Admin menu remains closed
Actual result: Admin menu re-opens and the admin menu partially covers the admin content
11. (workaround) Click Manage to close the menu
12. On the row for Basic page, click Manage fields
Expected result: Admin menu remains closed
Actual result: Admin menu re-opens and the admin menu partially covers the admin content
13. (workaround) Click Manage to close the menu
14. On the row for Body, click Edit
Expected result: Admin menu remains closed
Actual result: Admin menu re-opens and the admin menu partially covers the admin content
15. (workaround) Click Manage to close the menu
Once I close the admin menu, don't open it until I click Manage again to reopen it.
Once I close the admin menu, don't open it until I click Manage again to reopen it.
11.0 🔥
It affects the ability of people with disabilities or special needs (such as blindness or color-blindness) to use Drupal.