- Issue created by @lawxen
- ๐ง๐ชBelgium wim leers Ghent ๐ง๐ช๐ช๐บ
Thanks for the bug report!
EDIT: Ah, by uploading an image larger than the allowed file size?
- ๐จ๐ณChina lawxen
EDIT: Ah, by uploading an image larger than the allowed file size?
- ๐จ๐ณChina lawxen
I'm wondering if this can quick fix the problem in project:
Changing the config of ckeditor5_imageUpload in a custom module, using Simple upload adapter instead of the default Base64 image upload adapter(Not sure about the default upload adapter) - ๐จ๐ณChina lawxen
Problem casued here:
web/core/node_modules/@ckeditor/ckeditor5-image/src/imageupload/imageuploadediting.js/** * Reads and uploads an image. * * The image is read from the disk and as a Base64-encoded string it is set temporarily to * `image[src]`. When the image is successfully uploaded, the temporary data is replaced with the target * image's URL (the URL to the uploaded image on the server). */ _readAndUpload(loader) { const editor = this.editor; const model = editor.model; const t = editor.locale.t; const fileRepository = editor.plugins.get(FileRepository); const notification = editor.plugins.get(Notification); const imageUtils = editor.plugins.get('ImageUtils'); const imageUploadElements = this._uploadImageElements; model.enqueueChange({ isUndoable: false }, writer => { writer.setAttribute('uploadStatus', 'reading', imageUploadElements.get(loader.id)); }); return loader.read() .then(() => { const promise = loader.upload(); const imageElement = imageUploadElements.get(loader.id); // Force reโpaint in Safari. Without it, the image will display with a wrong size. // https://github.com/ckeditor/ckeditor5/issues/1975 /* istanbul ignore next -- @preserve */ if (env.isSafari) { const viewFigure = editor.editing.mapper.toViewElement(imageElement); const viewImg = imageUtils.findViewImgElement(viewFigure); editor.editing.view.once('render', () => { // Early returns just to be safe. There might be some code ran // in between the outer scope and this callback. if (!viewImg.parent) { return; } const domFigure = editor.editing.view.domConverter.mapViewToDom(viewImg.parent); if (!domFigure) { return; } const originalDisplay = domFigure.style.display; domFigure.style.display = 'none'; // Make sure this line will never be removed during minification for having "no effect". domFigure._ckHack = domFigure.offsetHeight; domFigure.style.display = originalDisplay; }); } model.enqueueChange({ isUndoable: false }, writer => { writer.setAttribute('uploadStatus', 'uploading', imageElement); }); return promise; }) .then(data => { model.enqueueChange({ isUndoable: false }, writer => { const imageElement = imageUploadElements.get(loader.id); writer.setAttribute('uploadStatus', 'complete', imageElement); this.fire('uploadComplete', { data, imageElement }); }); clean(); }) .catch(error => { // If status is not 'error' nor 'aborted' - throw error because it means that something else went wrong, // it might be generic error and it would be real pain to find what is going on. if (loader.status !== 'error' && loader.status !== 'aborted') { throw error; } // Might be 'aborted'. if (loader.status == 'error' && error) { notification.showWarning(error, { title: t('Upload failed'), namespace: 'upload' }); } // Permanently remove image from insertion batch. model.enqueueChange({ isUndoable: false }, writer => { writer.remove(imageUploadElements.get(loader.id)); }); clean(); }); function clean() { model.enqueueChange({ isUndoable: false }, writer => { const imageElement = imageUploadElements.get(loader.id); writer.removeAttribute('uploadId', imageElement); writer.removeAttribute('uploadStatus', imageElement); imageUploadElements.delete(loader.id); }); fileRepository.destroyLoader(loader); } }
- Merge request !5707#3405241 Add js to validate upload image before it be handled by ckeditor โ (Open) created by lawxen
- Status changed to Needs review
about 1 year ago 5:28pm 6 December 2023 - ๐จ๐ณChina lawxen
Marked as 'needs review' and Backup patch of the MR
- Status changed to Needs work
about 1 year ago 8:36pm 6 December 2023