Incomplete examples in API docs for the download process plugin

Created on 23 September 2023, over 1 year ago
Updated 26 September 2023, over 1 year ago


The doc block in core/modules/migrate/src/Plugin/migrate/process/Download.php include two examples like this:

 * process:
 *   plugin: download
 *   source:
 *     - source_url
 *     - destination_uri

The process: key should have a field name underneath it, and the rest of the YAML should be underneath that field.

Steps to reproduce

Review the API docs for the Download class.

Proposed resolution

Add a field to the first example, similar to the example in the file_copy plugin:

 * process:
 *   path_to_file:
 *     plugin: download
 *     source:
 *       - source_url
 *       - destination_uri

Model the second example on d7_file, using the plugin to set uri in a migration that creates file entities:

 * @code
 * process:
 *   uri:
 *     plugin: download
 *     source:
 *       - source_url
 *       - destination_uri
 *     file_exists: rename
 *   # other fields ...
 * destination:
 *   plugin: entity:file
 * @endcode
 * This will download source_url to destination_uri and ensure that the
 * destination URI is unique. If a file with the same name exists at the
 * destination, a numbered suffix like '_0' will be appended to make it unique.
 * The destination uri is saved in a file entity.

Remaining tasks

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11.0 πŸ”₯

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Last updated 34 minutes ago

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πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States benjifisher Boston area

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