- Issue created by @thomas.frobieter
Okay, so we already had issue forks of 3.x. So lets switch over to 3.x instead wasting time on re-doing the fixes on 2.x?
- Assigned to Grevil
- 🇩🇪Germany Anybody Porta Westfalica
@thomas.frobieter I have no clue. And I think it's not needed indeed, but please note that this fix was only merged into 3.x:
🐛 Fix CKEditor 5 overflow & z-index problems inside Core Dialogs Activehttps://www.drupal.org/project/drowl_admin/releases/3.x-dev → says, the branch was created by @Grevil, but no reasons were given on that page. Any ideas @Grevil?
We should be sure to not lose anything, when removing that branch. Alternatively, if we can't remove it, we should perhaps deprecate 2.x and make the full switch to 3.x?
The only ideas that come to my mind as reasons for the branch are:
- CKEditor 5 compatibility
- Drupal 10 compatibility
- Accident :D
- 🇩🇪Germany Anybody Porta Westfalica
PS: @thomas.frobieter please check, which versions our project use, as Composer mostly isn't aware of the Drupal.org visibility settings, just the active branches... so it's not clear that we don't use 3.x already (where dev is used). But hopefully we're not.
Like said above 📌 What is the 3.x-dev for? Active , I think we should simply switch over to 3.x, to prevent all this struggle (for an 100% internal module).
- 🇩🇪Germany Anybody Porta Westfalica
@Grevil & @thomas.frobieter: Please be careful when chosing one version as 3.x, as I think there are more differences in the two branches and it look like 2.x received more fixes than 3.x:
https://git.drupalcode.org/project/drowl_admin/-/commits/3.xPlease take time to be 100% sure.
- 🇩🇪Germany Anybody Porta Westfalica
Yeah I think 2.x is the correct and more mature one for the future, once 🐛 Fix CKEditor 5 overflow & z-index problems inside Core Dialogs Active has also been merged into 2.x we should kill the current 3.x!
Afterwards, 2.x can overwrite 3.x
But as said above, please do this relaxed and with care to not cause regressions!
- 🇩🇪Germany Anybody Porta Westfalica
=> Latest commit in 2.x is from March 16, the 3.x branch was created on March 31, so this is no problem.
DANGER, I don't think this is assumption is correct. See the links above.
No, everything is correct.
3.x has exactly one (commit) that isn't in 2.x and vice versa.
The other commit in 2.x is done by release-it and only counts up the version.- 🇩🇪Germany Grevil
See 🐛 Fix remaining Drupal 10 compatibility issues Fixed for the discussion, why we originally created a 3.x branch. The reason, was a css selector which is D10 only. BUT, whe fixed it through simply specifiying the D10 and D9 seelctor, see https://www.drupal.org/project/drowl_admin/issues/3350661#comment-15015310 🐛 Fix remaining Drupal 10 compatibility issues Fixed .
So basically 3.x is obsolete now, but I guess, we can not kill it 😢.
- 🇩🇪Germany Grevil
But we should still introduce the changes done in 🐛 Fix CKEditor 5 overflow & z-index problems inside Core Dialogs Active .
Okay, thx for clearification! I'll add the changes from 2.x to 3.x and we make a stable 3.x release then.
- Status changed to Fixed
over 1 year ago 9:01am 13 September 2023 Okay, so added the missing fix for the Layout Builder Sidebar.
🐛 Fix CKEditor 5 overflow & z-index problems inside Core Dialogs Active is already in 3.x.
So this should be fixed.
- @thomasfrobieter opened merge request.
thomas.frobieter →
committed b90d85bf on 3.x
Issue #3386437: What is the 3.x-dev for? // Add missing Changes from 2.x...
thomas.frobieter →
committed b90d85bf on 3.x
Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.