Make it easier to add a child taxonomy term

Created on 27 August 2023, over 1 year ago
Updated 10 October 2023, over 1 year ago


Make it easier to add a taxonomy term as a child of an existing one. We did something similar for menus in Make it easier to add a child menu item Fixed .

Currently, there are two ways to specify the parent(s) of a taxonomy term. The Term form (for adding or editing a term) has a select list:

The second method, once the term has been added, is to click and drag on the Overview page:

When there are a lot of terms in the vocabulary, both methods can be awkward.

Proposed resolution

On the vocabulary listing page, add an item "Add child" to each drop button in the Operations column. This gives a link to the "Add term" page with the query parameter parent.

Modify the Term form (for adding and editing taxonomy terms) so that it uses the parent query parameter, if present, to pre-select parent term(s).

Remaining tasks

User interface changes

In addition to the existing methods of setting the parent of a taxonomy term, there is now an "Add child" link for creating a new term as a child of an existing term:

API changes


Data model changes


Release notes snippet

Currently, there are two ways a site administrator can specify the parent of a menu item or the parent(s) of a taxonomy term. The administrator can choose the parent from a select list on the edit form, or they can click and drag on the Menu or Vocabulary overview page. When there are a lot of items in the menu or terms in the vocabulary, both methods can be awkward.

Drupal 10.2 introduces New "Add child" links for menu items and taxonomy terms on the Menu and Vocabulary overview pages. Site administrators can use these links to set the parent when creating a new menu item or taxonomy term.

Feature request



11.0 🔥


Last updated 1 day ago

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