Translated entity doesn't show up for the referenced item

Created on 10 March 2023, almost 2 years ago
Updated 10 September 2024, 6 months ago


On translations, the referenced entity shows the default original version instead of the translated version.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create an English node A.
  2. Set another English node B as a reference for an entity_reference_display field from node A.
  3. Create a German translation for node B
  4. Create a German translation for node A leaving the entity reference field as it is with auto populated reference as German B translation.
  5. On node A English page, I see node B being rendered using the expected view mode.
  6. But on node A german page, I don't see the German B rendered fro the entity reference field but still see English B as rendered.

Proposed resolution

The issue is because $items->getEntity(); from EntityReferenceDisplayFormatterTrait gets the original source entity instead of the relevant translation. This is also highlighted for getEntity() method from Drupal core FieldItemListInterface to use translation methods to force getting the translation for the context,

🐛 Bug report

Needs work





Created by

fathima.asmat London, UK

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