[11.x] [Meta] Tasks to remove Action

Created on 21 February 2023, about 2 years ago
Updated 16 May 2024, 10 months ago


Track the steps needed to remove extension Action from core to contrib. See Remove a core module and move it to a contributed project β†’ of the deprecation policy.

The removal of extension Action was approved in 🌱 [Policy] Deprecate Action (UI) module in D10 and move to contrib in D11 Fixed .

Remaining tasks

  1. Create a child issue, 'Remove Action from core'.
    • The change record for this issue should include a link to recommendations page, https://www.drupal.org/node/3223395#s-Action β†’ . (For example, the CR for removing HAL β†’ )
    • Tag this issue 'Needs release note.'
    • Remove the extension ;-).
    • Remove references from core/phpstan-baseline.neon.
    • Remove any spelling words specific to the extension from the dictionary
    • Check for references in @todo.
    • Handle migration tests.
      • In all the functional tests in migrate_drupal_ui make sure that Action is not installed. Action should also be removed from the methods getAvailablePaths() and moved to getMissingPaths() in the tests using those methods.
  2. Deprecate the extension in the current minor development branch. If the next major branch is open, the extension can be removed via a separate patch (to avoid dependent patches), otherwise an issue should be opened to remove the extension once the next major branch is open.
  3. Open an issue, 'Ensure that Action does not get special core treatment' in the packages.drupal.org issue queue β†’ to ensure that the composer namespace for the contributed project matches the core one after removal. This is to allocate the drupal/Action Composer namespace to contrib extension rather than the core extension.
  4. Manually test upgrading from the core extension to the contrib extension.
  5. Triage core issues for Action in the core queue and move either to the contrib project or the relevant core component.
  6. Move all core documentation for Action to the contrib project.
  7. When the issue in https://www.drupal.org/project/project_composer β†’ is Fixed update the documentation with the new Composer command.

Release notes snippet

πŸ“Œ Task



11.0 πŸ”₯

ActionΒ  β†’

Last updated 3 months ago

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πŸ‡³πŸ‡ΏNew Zealand quietone

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