- Status changed to Needs work
almost 2 years ago 6:48pm 9 February 2023 - π―π΄Jordan Rajab Natshah Jordan
π No assignable roles shown Postponed: needs info
Had Real physical testing round for RoleAssign 1.0.x-dev with Drupal ~10 and Drupal ~9
Real-physical-testing-round-for-roleassign-1-0-x-dev--with-d10-and-d9.zip β
RoleAssign 1.0.x-dev with Drupal ~10
Build Drupal ~10.0 sandbox test site and have Drush ~11.0
mkdir -p /var/www/html/sandboxes composer create-project drupal/recommended-project:~10.0 /var/www/html/sandboxes/drupal10roleassign_1__test cd /var/www/html/sandboxes/drupal10roleassign_1__test/ composer require drush/drush:~11.0;
Change minimum stability to dev for testing on the recommended Drupal 10 project template
composer config minimum-stability dev
Add the RoleAssign module
mkdir -p /var/www/html/sandboxes/drupal10roleassign_1__test/web/modules/contrib cd /var/www/html/sandboxes/drupal10roleassign_1__test/web/modules/contrib/ git clone --branch '8.x-1.x' https://git.drupalcode.org/project/roleassign.git
Git Apply the patch.
cd /var/www/html/sandboxes/drupal10roleassign_1__test/web/modules/contrib/roleassign/ wget https://www.drupal.org/files/issues/2022-08-24/3297982-drupal-10-compatibility-fixes-roleassign-5.patch git apply 3297982-drupal-10-compatibility-fixes-roleassign-5.patch
Change file/directory mod and ownership of files:
cd /var/www/html/sandboxes/drupal10roleassign_1__test/ sudo chmod 775 -R .;sudo chown www-data:$USER -R .;
Install with Drush
./vendor/drush/drush/drush site:install standard --yes --site-name="RoleAssign 1.0.x-dev - Real physical testing with Drupal ~10" --account-name="webmaster" --account-pass="d" --account-mail="test@drupal.org" --db-url="mysql://root:123___@localhost/sandboxes_drupal10roleassign_1__test" -vvv ; ./vendor/drush/drush/drush pm:enable roleassign
Rebuild the cache:
sudo chmod 775 -R .;sudo chown www-data:$USER -R .; ./vendor/drush/drush/drush cache:rebuild
Open a browser and change the address to:
following with
- Log in as site administrator.
- Go to the administration page for access control and grant Assign roles permission to those roles that should be able to assign roles to other users. Notice that besides the Assign roles permission, these roles also must have the Administer users permission.
- Go to the administration page for role assign and select those roles that should be available for assignment by users with Assign roles permission.
- For each user that should be able to assign roles, go to the user's account and select a role with both the Assign roles and the Administer users permissions.
Still the module is not functional in Drupal 10 and Drupal 9
π No assignable roles shown Postponed: needs info - π―π΄Jordan Rajab Natshah Jordan
It feels that this module is not functional.
And the assertions in the Automated testing are not doing the right needed checks - π¨π¦Canada teknocat
I find that this module works sufficiently well in it's current beta state in D9 (no issues for my company's use cases so far) and using the patch for D10 also has it working no differently than the D9 version, at least as far as I can tell.
This module is currently in a beta release only, so there's an expectation that it still has issues to work out, these issues are known and being worked on and have been discussed here.
As such, why block a D10 compatibility release just because of these known issues? Why not do another beta release for D10, with these known issues still in progress?
It doesn't seem necessary to block that until everything is fully resolved and you have a non-beta release ready to go.
- Status changed to RTBC
almost 2 years ago 9:26pm 17 February 2023 - π¨πSwitzerland berdir Switzerland
Agreed. Patch in #5 and #10 are pretty identical and changes nothing except the test and version compatibility, so the module should work just as well as it did before.
- @rajab-natshah opened merge request.
- π―π΄Jordan Rajab Natshah Jordan
Thank you, Peter, Sascha for following up.
Created a MR for the #10 patch
I tested the module in #17
The module can be enabled, configured.Only faced π No assignable roles shown Postponed: needs info in Drupal 9 with the
release.Using the issue fork branch and branch for further testing with the composer build.
I was wondering what is the next step? and when a soft tag release (
) would be released? - π¨π¦Canada teknocat
Would it also make sense to take this opportunity to switch over to semver for D10 and perhaps release it as 2.0-beta1? It would be nice to see all modules do away with the 8.x- prefix on their version numbers, but there does of course need to be an appropriate point at which to do that.
Just a thought. I've seen some other modules do this, but then the new version is D10 only while they still maintain a separate branch for continued D9 support. I don't see that as necessary unless there's a desire or need to offer a greater range of backwards compatibility, such as D8 versions that don't support the latest core APIs.
- π¨πSwitzerland berdir Switzerland
There have been no commits in this project for 2 years and barely any since the previous D9 compatibility release. The next step is that either a current maintainer shows up and commits this and creates a new release, or someone applies to become a new maintainer and does the same then.
In projects I maintain, I'd prefer to not switch to semver just for the sake of it, it tends to take a very long time for even a majority of users to switch over and will cause more work in case of a security issue or so. But that will be for whoever will maintain this in the future to decide.
- π§πͺBelgium svendecabooter Gent
I am willing to step up to maintain this module and create a Drupal 10 release, as well as look into the other RTBC issues.
I have some limited maintainer access already, as I've done part of the Drupal 9 upgrade of this module. But I do not have access to Git or release management.
I have reached out to salvis via his contact form, to be able to get maintainer access. - πΈπ°Slovakia poker10
@svendecabooter Thanks! I have contacted Salvis about D7 release compatible with PHP8 few days ago, but no answer until now, so hopefully if we get some response we will be able to sort out also D7 version :)
nord102 β
committed fd48bdb1 on 8.x-1.x
Issue #3297982 by Project Update Bot, Rajab Natshah, taniachque:...
nord102 β
committed fd48bdb1 on 8.x-1.x
- Status changed to Fixed
almost 2 years ago 6:51pm 14 March 2023 - π§πͺBelgium svendecabooter Gent
@nord102 do you plan to make a new release with D10 support soon?
- π¨π¦Canada nord102
@svendecabooter yes, just trying to get a few more issues fixed and then I'll do a new release, aiming for the end of this week
- π§πͺBelgium svendecabooter Gent
Ok great to hear!
Thanks for your efforts Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.