Automated Drupal 10 compatibility fixes

Created on 15 June 2022, over 2 years ago
Updated 7 February 2023, about 2 years ago


Hello project maintainers,

This is an automated issue to help make this module compatible with Drupal 10.

To read more about this effort by the Drupal Association, please read: The project update bot is being refreshed to support Drupal 10 readiness of contributed projects

Patches will periodically be added to this issue that remove Drupal 10 deprecated API uses. To stop further patches from being posted, change the status to anything other than Active, Needs review, Needs work or Reviewed and tested by the community. Alternatively, you can remove the "ProjectUpdateBotD10" tag from the issue to stop the bot from posting updates.

The patches will be posted by the Project Update Bot official user account. This account will not receive any issue credit contributions for itself or any company.

Proposed resolution

You have a few options for how to use this issue:

  1. Accept automated patches until this issue is closed

    If this issue is left open (status of Active, Needs review, Needs work or Reviewed and tested by the community) and the "ProjectUpdateBotD10" tag is left on this issue, new patches will be posted periodically if new deprecation fixes are needed.

    As the Drupal Rector project improves and is able to fix more deprecated API uses, the patches posted here will cover more of the deprecated API uses in the module.

    Patches and/or merge requests posted by others are ignored by the bot, and general human interactions in the issue do not stop the bot from posting updates, so feel free to use this issue to refine bot patches. The bot will still post new patches then if there is a change in the new generated patch compared to the patch that the bot posted last. Those changes are then up to humans to integrate.

  2. Leave open but stop new automated patches.

    If you want to use this issue as a starting point to remove deprecated API uses but then don't want new automated patches, remove the "ProjectUpdateBotD10" tag from the issue and use it like any other issue (the status does not matter then). If you want to receive automated patches again, add back the "ProjectUpdateBotD10" tag.

  3. Close it and don't use it

    If the maintainers of this project don't find this issue useful, they can close this issue (any status besides Active, Needs review, Needs work and Reviewed and tested by the community) and no more automated patches will be posted here.

    If the issue is reopened, then new automated patches will be posted.

    If you are using another issue(s) to work on Drupal 10 compatibility it would be very useful to other contributors to add those issues as "Related issues" when closing this issue.

Remaining tasks

Using the patches

  1. Apply the latest patch in the comments by Project Update Bot or human contributors that made it better.
  2. Thoroughly test the patch. These patches are automatically generated so they haven't been tested manually or automatically.
  3. Provide feedback about how the testing went. If you can improve the patch, post an updated patch here.

Providing feedback

If there are problems with one of the patches posted by the Project Update Bot , such as it does not correctly replace a deprecation, you can file an issue in the Drupal Rector issue queue . For other issues with the bot, for instance if the issue summary created by the bot is unclear, use the Project analysis issue queue .

📌 Task






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  • Status changed to Needs work about 2 years ago
  • 🇺🇸United States greggles Denver, Colorado, USA

    This is still "needs work."

  • 🇯🇴Jordan Rajab Natshah Jordan

    Got that Greg, Thanks for having time to follow up on this issue.
    Important notes from #12

    Noticed Pierre's notes about

    │ STATUS │ LINE │                           MESSAGE                            │
    │ Fix    │ 323  │ Call to deprecated method getImplementations() of class      │
    │ later  │      │ Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleHandlerInterface. Deprecated in  │
    │        │      │ drupal:9.4.0 and is removed from drupal:10.0.0. Instead you  │
    │        │      │ should use ModuleHandlerInterface::invokeAllWith() for hook  │
    │        │      │ invocations or you should use                                │
    │        │      │ ModuleHandlerInterface::hasImplementations() to determine if │
    │        │      │ hooks implementations exist.                                 │
    │        │      │                                                              │
  • 🇯🇴Jordan Rajab Natshah Jordan

    Oh the last code was a static return!

    Researched a bit on what other modules are doing in this case

    Got the point.
    Testing custom module with a hook_password to be listed in the return of the genpass_algorithm_modules function.

     * Return an array of all modules which implement hook_password.
    function genpass_algorithm_modules() {
      // Fetch a list of all modules which implement the password generation hook.
      // To be in this list, a module must implement a hook, and return random
      // passwords as strings.
      $return = [];
      \Drupal::moduleHandler()->invokeAllWith('password', function (callable $hook, string $module) use (&$return) {
        $return[$module] = $module;
      return $return;

    Not sure if I have a push access over the issue fork.
    Hoping for Pierre to commit his suggested change.

  • 🇯🇴Jordan Rajab Natshah Jordan

    All hook invocation delegated to Module Handler service
    📌 Delegate all hook invocations to ModuleHandler Fixed

    Use ModuleHandlerInterface::hasImplementations() to determine if hooks implementations exist.

    Suggesting to change to use has Implementations:

     * Return an array of all modules which implement hook_password.
    function genpass_algorithm_modules() {
      // Fetch a list of all modules which implement the password generation hook.
      // To be in this list, a module must implement a hook, and return random
      // passwords as strings.
      $all_modules = \Drupal::moduleHandler()->getModuleList();
      $return = [];
      foreach ($all_modules as $module) {
        if (\Drupal::moduleHandler()->hasImplementations('password', $module)) {
          $return[$module] = $module;
      return $return;
  • Status changed to Needs review about 2 years ago
  • Status changed to Needs work about 2 years ago
  • 🇩🇪Germany Grevil

    If we are using moduleHandler()->hasImplementations, we can't keep the D8 compatibility, as this method was introduced in Drupal 9.4.

  • 🇩🇪Germany Grevil

    Furthermore, while running the tests locally, I got the following deprecation notice:

    3x: user_password() is deprecated in drupal:9.1.0 and is removed from drupal:10.0.0. Use \Drupal\Core\Password\PasswordGeneratorInterface::generate() instead. See
    3x in GenpassTest::testGenpassConfigsAndCreateUsersByAdmin from Drupal\Tests\genpass\FunctionalJavascript

    But I can not seem to find any code using, user_password() and I have no idea what is causing this deprecation notice. Maybe one of the maintainers can rerun the tests using PHP >= 8.1, to see if that problem also appears on remote?

  • 🇯🇴Jordan Rajab Natshah Jordan

    Nice, good point Joshua.
    To me it feels a new 2.0.x branch would keep deprecation and what new class/function/service to use. and support for PHP 8.1, PHP 8.2, later on.

    • Ditching old ways is good
    • Adopting new better ways is better

    Managing between that is a tricky business
    Let us see how the final changes will look like.

  • 🇩🇪Germany Grevil

    @Rajab Natshah, sounds good! :)

  • 🇩🇪Germany Anybody Porta Westfalica

    @greggles, could you perhaps create that 2.0.x as of #20 and #21? So we can proceed here :)

  • First commit to issue fork.
  • @kkalashnikov opened merge request.
  • 🇮🇳India kkalashnikov Ghaziabad, India

    Hello @Anybody I have created 2.0.x branch in this branch fork


  • 🇺🇸United States greggles Denver, Colorado, USA

    What would the path to upgrade be for someone on Drupal 9 with this new 2.0.x that's proposed? Do they need to disable genpass as part of the core upgrade process?

  • 🇯🇴Jordan Rajab Natshah Jordan

    Suggested to do this in two steps:
    2.0.x for ^9 || ^10 ( only new code - ditching any ~8.0 or ~9.0 code using a logic with version compare !version_compare(\Drupal::VERSION, '10.0.0', 'lt')
    8.x-1.x for ^8 || ^9 || ^10 ( with old code and new code - only needed for the upgraded process to 2.0.x )

    Drupal 8 and 9 sites could update to latest version on the genpass ~1.0
    then after the update to Drupal 10, only change in the composer from ~1.0 to ~2.0

    • No disable for the module
    • No drush updb on the switch from ~1.0 to ~2.0

    New features could only be committed to 2.0.x
    and freeze new features on the 8.x-1.x branch.

    Hoping that this would be a good plan.
    Greg, do you find this plan logical? for sure know more needed cases to cover.

  • 🇺🇸United States greggles Denver, Colorado, USA

    Thanks for laying that out, @Rajab Natshah. That mostly makes sense to me. 2.0.x being for 9 or 10 works for me, but I think you maintain a bit more compatibility than needed.

    Drupal 8 and 9 sites could update to latest version on the genpass ~1.0
    then after the update to Drupal 10, only change in the composer from ~1.0 to ~2.0

    No disable for the module
    No drush updb on the switch from ~1.0 to ~2.0

    New features could only be committed to 2.0.x
    and freeze new features on the 8.x-1.x branch.

    That plan means that 2.0.x only needs to work with 10.x, right? That seems easier to do.

    Another option:

    Make 8.x-1.x compatible with both 8.x and 9.x (at this point I don't think we should invest much time in 8, honestly).
    Make 2.0.x compatible with both 9.x and 10.x.
    The upgrade flow is for 8.x-and 9.x to get on 9.x core with 8.x-1.x. I believe this is already possible and we can say that 8.x-1.x is no longer actively developed. Then once core is at 9.x people should upgrade to genpass 2.x and can upgrade core to 10.x.

    Either of these 3 plans (yours, my first modification to yours to drop 10 support from 8.x-1.x branch, the 3rd one here to drop 10 support form 8.x-1.x and adjust the upgrade flow) works for me.

    I'm also happy passing on maintainership if someone else wants to become maintainer - please file an issue with links to your activity in this module's queue showing creation of patches, reviews, etc. that demonstrate the work of a maintainer.

  • 🇩🇪Germany Grevil

    I am ok, with either keeping the 2.0x branch D9 and D10 compatible OR D10 only.

    Although if we want to keep the D9 compatibility we have to define core_version_requirement: ^9.4 || ^10, as explained in #19:

    If we are using moduleHandler()->hasImplementations, we can't keep the D8 compatibility, as this method was introduced in Drupal 9.4

  • 🇯🇴Jordan Rajab Natshah Jordan

    Thanks, Greg, I agree that your modification plan is better.

    Either of these 3 plans (yours, my first modification to yours to drop 10 support from 8.x-1.x branch, the 3rd one here to drop 10 support form 8.x-1.x and adjust the upgrade flow) works for me.

    2.0.x will have ^9 || ^10
    8.x-1.x will have ^8 || ^9

    I'm also happy passing on maintainership if someone else wants to become maintainer - please file an issue with links to your activity in this module's queue showing creation of patches, reviews, etc. that demonstrate the work of a maintainer.

    Love to help in maintaining the Generate Password module.
    💬 Offering to Support and Maintain the Generate Password module Fixed

  • 🇯🇴Jordan Rajab Natshah Jordan

    Greg, Thank you for time and consideration.

    Starting with 📌 Start a 2.0.x branch for the Generate Password module to support Drupal ^9.4 || ^10 Fixed

  • Status changed to Needs review about 2 years ago
  • 🇯🇴Jordan Rajab Natshah Jordan

    As listed in #17

    Having the following back to be committed to the 2.0.x branch.

    Use ModuleHandlerInterface::hasImplementations() to determine if hooks implementations exist.

     * Return an array of all modules which implement hook_password.
    function genpass_algorithm_modules() {
      // Fetch a list of all modules which implement the password generation hook.
      // To be in this list, a module must implement a hook, and return random
      // passwords as strings.
      $all_modules = \Drupal::moduleHandler()->getModuleList();
      $return = [];
      foreach ($all_modules as $module_name => $module) {
        if (\Drupal::moduleHandler()->hasImplementations('password', $module_name)) {
          $return[$module_name] = $module_name;
      return $return;
  • Status changed to Needs work about 2 years ago
  • 🇩🇪Germany Grevil

    Thank you, Rajab for bringing this issue towards an end! :)

    What are the remaining steps to get this committed to 2.0.x? As I am aware, we only need to test your changes (especially the "hasImplementations" part)?!

    Or is there anything else to do, as you changed the status to "Needs work"?

  • 🇯🇴Jordan Rajab Natshah Jordan

    Rebase failed: Rebase locally, resolve all conflicts, then push the branch. Try again.

  • Status changed to Needs review about 2 years ago
  • 🇯🇴Jordan Rajab Natshah Jordan
    • ✅ Automated unit testing coverage
    • ✅ Automated functional testing coverage

    Development version: 2.0.x-dev updated 7 Feb 2023 at 09:35 UTC

  • Status changed to Fixed about 2 years ago
  • 🇩🇪Germany Grevil

    Great work! Thanks for your time! :)

  • 🇯🇴Jordan Rajab Natshah Jordan

    Thank you all, for the nice collaborative work on this issue for this important module.

    ✅ Released genpass-2.0.0-alpha1
    Soft release ( pre-release )
    Having more post release testing before releasing the stable 2.0.0 tag.
  • Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.

Production build 0.71.5 2024