When Drupal is installed in a sub-path, the cancel link adds the sub-path twice

Created on 29 October 2020, almost 4 years ago
Updated 18 July 2023, about 1 year ago


Cancelling content type deletion produces 403 Forbidden error.

Steps to reproduce

Following current user guide instructions section (for Drupal 8 but running on V9), section 6.2 deleting a content type says: "In the Manage administrative menu, navigate to Structure > Content types (admin/structure/types). The Content types page appears.
Click Delete in the Operations dropdown button for the Article content type."

Pressing the cancel button instead of delete produces 403 Forbidden error.

O/S: Windows 10.
Web Server: Apache/2.4.46 (Win64) PHP/7.3.21
PHP Version 7.3.21 Memory limit 128M
Database Version 5.7.31 System MySQL, Percona Server, or equivalent

Running locally on localhost.
Drupal path (web page): http://localhost/drupal9/web/index.php/admin/structure/types/manage/arti...
Cancel button: http://localhost/drupal9/web/index.php/drupal9/web/index.php/admin/struc...

Proposed resolution

Return to previous Content Types page without performing the deletion.

Remaining tasks

User interface changes

API changes

Data model changes

Release notes snippet

πŸ› Bug report

Closed: duplicate



BaseΒ  β†’

Last updated about 2 hours ago

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