- 🇬🇧United Kingdom jonathan1055
Changing the parent issue, because the fixes here relate to a DrupalPractice sniff not a Drupal coding standard sniff
- 🇳🇿New Zealand quietone
Changing parent again to a new parent for the relevant sniff.
In Drupal we have many places where we declare unused variables. These lead to unnecessary work both in reviewing code and for the PHP interpreter.
Fix https://github.com/sirbrillig/phpcs-variable-analysis/issues/183 upstream
Get coder release and update the coder dependency
In this issue - enable the rule and remove the unused variables.
@todo - new core coder rule enabled.
It involves compliance with, or the content of coding standards. Requires broad community agreement.
Not all content is available!
It's likely this issue predates Contrib.social: some issue and comment data are missing.
Changing the parent issue, because the fixes here relate to a DrupalPractice sniff not a Drupal coding standard sniff
Changing parent again to a new parent for the relevant sniff.