- πΊπΈUnited States tr Cascadia
Here is a list of patches from the zip file in #8, along with their dispositions:
- 0001-Small-improvements-to-function-comments.patch
This contains changes to documentation comments in src/Plugin/Mail/MimeMail.php and
src/Utility/MimeMailFormatHelper.php. All those comments have been drastically improved since this issue, and this patch is no longer relevant. - 0002-Remove-unused-implementation-of-mimemail_engine.patch
This was addressed by #3111496: Remove Mime Mail engine code β - 0003-Remove-references-to-unused-mimemail_engine-and-comm.patch
The engine stuff was addressed by #3111496: Remove Mime Mail engine code β . The removal ofhook_mail_post_process()
has not been discussed, so I opened a new issue for it. See π Remove hook_mail_post_process() Fixed . - 0004-Simplify-code-in-mimeMailAddress-remove-extraneous-a.patch
Obsolete. This code has been replaced for porting to Drupal 10. - 0005-Use-where-possible.patch
Opened π Use === where possible Needs review . - 0006-code-style-reformat-arrays-to-multiline.patch
This contains coding style changes to some arrays. That code has been fixed to conform with Drupal coding standards, and does not need further changes. - 0007-RFCs-state-line-ending-always-crlf-not-optional-so-b.patch
This was fixed in #3153578: Use CRLF as line terminator in message body β - 0008-Modify-header-word-wrap-to-take-account-of-length-of.patch
This was fixed in #3145542: MimeMailFormatHelper::mimeMailRfcHeaders() doesn't follow the RFC specification β - 0009-Use-of-null-coalesce-operator.patch
Null coalesce was fixed by π Coding standards: Use null coalesce operator instead of ternary operator Fixed , but this patch also changes many lines to use the short form of the ternary operator. I opened a new issue for that: π Use short form of the ternary operator when possible Fixed . - 0010-Pull-drupal-services-to-top-of-functions-to-clarify-.patch
The changes in this patch are similar to ones that have already been done by various issues when cleaning up the code and porting it to D10. There is one change to the regular expression for image files that seems out of scope, but is covered by the existing issue β¨ Improve image detection Needs work - 0011-Modify-condition-to-use-positive-logic-for-clarity.patch
This has not been done yet, and I think your suggestions are a good improvement. I opened π Modify conditions to use positive logic Fixed for this. - 0012-Simplify-regex-allow-longer-TLD-domain-names-note-re.patch
This line of code will go away when β¨ Replace regular expression with mimeMailAddress() Fixed is committed. I encourage you to participate in that issue to ensure that issue solves any problem you might have here. - 0013-Clarify-setting-of-class-in-twig-html-template.patch
I opened π [meta] Improve Twig templates Active for this. - 0014-Pull-variable-initialisation-out-of-if-statement-for.patch
I'm not going to change this right now. Your patch also changes the regexp and I don't want to get into that. - 0015-Dead-code-removal.patch
Already removed. - 0016-Use-null-coalesce-operator.patch
Null coalesce was fixed by π Coding standards: Use null coalesce operator instead of ternary operator Fixed . - 0017-Pull-Drupal-service-initialisation-to-top-of-functio.patch
This was fixed in a better way by #3136090: Use dependency injection in MimeMail Mail plugin β - 0018-Check-subject-line-doesn-t-contain-HTML.patch
I don't know what this is, because as far as I can tell this line has been in this module since at least 2018. Subject lines are already stripped of HTML. - 0019-Changes-to-mimeHTMLBody-Possibly-broken.patch
These are formatting changes which I don't feel are needed.
It's really an awful lot of work to handle issues where there are 19 unrelated patches. In the future, I would appreciate 1 issue per problem, so each can be given due consideration and adequately addressed in a timely manner. I have done my best to do that here for the parts that haven't been addressed yet, and I am closing this issue as "fixed" because I think all the topics raised are either outdated, already fixed, or now have new issues open for them.If I missed something, please open a new issue.
- 0001-Small-improvements-to-function-comments.patch