The submit button is not following any condition while in popup/dialogs

Created on 21 October 2018, almost 6 years ago
Updated 25 June 2024, 4 months ago


Description of the issue
The form button like the default "Submit" button of any webform , is not accepting any #state conditions once the dialog is initialized.

The problem is in getting the default state of the button to initialize in the dialog. Because once you start entering input values the button's state is updated.

The issue is Drupal.behaviors.dialog.prepareDialogButtons in core/misc/dialog/dialog.ajax.es6.js clones the primary buttons without copying the #states conditions.

This must be a core States API issue.

Reproduce the issue:

1) Install the webform module.

2) Using the built-in "contact" form, create a condition to hide the "Send message" button.

_ "Hidden" if "Your Name" textfield value is "Hide Button".

the yaml #state condition will be something like:

        value: 'Hide Button'

3) Add the "contact" form as a field of type "webform" to the article content type.

4) Create one test article, lets consider the article nid is "12".

5) launch the created article in a dialog/popup using the below code:

<a class="use-ajax" data-dialog-type="modal" href="/node/12">Open article</a>

6) Find the webform field and try to input inside the "your name" field the text: Hide Button

7) You will notice that the "Send message" button is still visible without any changes for its #states.

The discussion of the webform issue here , lead to create this core issue.

Thank you all for your help and time,

Below is the source code of a configured "contact" form to speed up the reproducing of the issue:

  '#type': textfield
  '#title': 'Your Name'
  '#required': true
  '#default_value': '[current-user:account-name]'
  '#multiple__no_items_message': '<p>No items entered. Please add items below.</p>'
  '#title': 'Your Email'
  '#type': email
  '#required': true
  '#default_value': '[current-user:mail]'
  '#type': textfield
  '#title': Subject
  '#required': true
        value: Webform
  '#multiple__no_items_message': '<p>No items entered. Please add items below.</p>'
  '#test': 'Testing contact webform from [site:name]'
  '#title': Message
  '#type': textarea
  '#required': true
  '#test': 'Please ignore this email.'
  '#type': webform_actions
  '#title': 'Submit button(s)'
        value: 'Hide Button'
  '#states_clear': false
  '#submit__label': 'Send message'
🐛 Bug report

Needs work


11.0 🔥


Last updated about 23 hours ago

Created by

🇱🇧Lebanon C.E.A

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