What could Drupal implement from other CMS or content editors to improve its Admin Interface?

Created on 14 February 2018, about 7 years ago
Updated 21 July 2023, over 1 year ago


Current Drupal's admin UI (the Seven theme) was a great improvement but hasn’t evolved much over the last years and it starts to feel outdated and needs a visual update. Some first steps were done at DrupalCon Vienna 2017 and conclusions can be seen here . The defined vision so far is:

Declutter and simplify the content authoring experience by driving user’s focus on the content itself, modernize the tools used for content authoring and move the meta/settings/workflow elements to a new “utility(ies)” section(s).

Although Experiments with JavaScript frameworks or modernization of the underlying theme architecture will help and we rely in the improvements it will bring, this is not the place to discuss them. We should design thinking on the user needs.

What do we need?

One of the next steps is to search what is going on outside Drupal’s island that we can implement. Have you seen something that you think Drupal should have? Help us collecting ideas, patterns and workflows to improve Drupal’s Usability and Interface and make it better.

Some competitors and products to look at would be:
- Wordpress
- Contentful
- Adobe Experience Manager
- Sitecore
- Squarespace
- Wix
- [More ideas?, please add others here]

How to collect ideas&patterns

To be able to process and analyze all the ideas later on it would be great to follow some patterns. We’ll need visual examples of what you are sharing because we might not have access to the product you are sharing and all we’ll have about it is what you share.

  1. Moodboard. We’ve prepared this easy-to-use so you can add GIFs/images just by Drag&Drop with no need to register: http://www.gomoodboard.com/boards/wjQ-cbbH/share
  2. Youtube. Have you recorded a long video? Share here the link so we can watch it.
  3. Issue queue. You can also add here what you found, but please add some screenshots to it.
🌱 Plan

Closed: outdated


11.0 🔥


Last updated 5 minutes ago

Created by

🇪🇸Spain ckrina Barcelona

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