We need this to be a community effort, spanning as it does multiple modules from many sources, so it seems appropriate to raise it in the context of community initiatives.
Migration support is available in #migration on Drupal slack.
bbcode →
easy_meta →
Migrations: Easy Meta
entity_embed →
#2821205: Support migrating embedded media tags from Drupal 7 media module →
feeds →
#3008991: Migrate feeds content from Drupal 7 →
field_collection →
paragraphs →
#2897021: [META] Migrate support for importing field collections as paragraphs →
field_group →
=> D7, yes. D6, in progress:
#2704733: Add d7 field_group migration →
#2611904: Add migrate support for D6 fieldgroup →
fieldable_panels_panes →
#3153099: Plan for Fieldable Panels Panes 1.0.0 →
honeypot →
#2401647: Integrate D8 Migrate API so Honeypot config is upgraded from D6/D7 →
imce →
Upgrade (migrate) data from Drupal 7 → Drupal 8/9
linkit →
#2953047: [META] Upgrade (migrate) data from Drupal 7 => Drupal 8 →
media_entity →
#2772129: Scald Atom migrate source →
#2242783: Create default migration templates →
metatag →
=> ,
Migrations: Metatag-D7 default configurations
Migrating translated Drupal 7 Metatag data to Drupal 8
Needs work
Migrations: Metatag-D7 per-path configurations
(not done)
metatags_quick →
Migrations: Metatags Quick 2 per-entity values
Migrations: Metatags Quick 2 configuration
Migrations: Metatags Quick 2 path-based values
page_title →
Migrations: Page Title entity data (D7)
Migrations: Page Title configuration (D7)
paragraphs →
#2897021: [META] Migrate support for importing field collections as paragraphs →
pathauto →
=> D7: Included in
Pathauto 8.x-1.4 →
; D6:
#3045639: Migrate Pathauto configuration from Drupal 6 →
typogrify →
uuid →
#2953003: Upgrade (migrate) data from Drupal 7 => Drupal 8 →
workbench_moderation →
D7 WBM upgrade path
workflow →
#2966872: Add Migrate support from contrib Workflow to core Content Moderation+Workflows →
xbbcode →
xmlsitemap →
#2306099: Provide upgrade path from 6.x and 7.x →
profile/profile2 →
Migrate data from Profile2
Needs work
poll →
Poll migrate support
Other items for the D7-D8 migrate :
- it needs suggestions to site builders, indicating which modules are supported migrate targets for the old D7 ones. E.g. when the jplayer module is seen in the source DB, it could suggest that installing the audiofile module + jplayer plugin before migrate would enable migrate to properly migrate the fields.
- There should be some way to export a Drupal migrate config, so that it can be worked on and extended by those who have the knowledge, without having to reinvent/recode all the bits that it does do. Ideally this would enable use of the migrate revert and retry functionality as well.
- An API was added to 8.8.0+ to provide a mechanism for contrib maintainers to identify each modules' upgrade paths within the Migrate UI → .
Not all content is available!
It's likely this issue predates Contrib.social: some issue and comment data are missing.