- First commit to issue fork.
- Merge request !5729Issue #2892132: Entity validation does not always prevent concurrent editing of pending revisions â (Open) created by acbramley
- Status changed to Needs work
about 1 year ago 10:49pm 7 December 2023
Normal workflow in HEAD without pending revisions:
Steps to reproduce with Content Moderation in HEAD:
Expected result: a validation error is displayed.
Actual result: the second draft "overrides" the first one, although both revisions are correctly stored, so there is no actual data loss.
Keep track of the entity revision at the moment the form is built and verify the latest revision matches it when saving the entity via a dedicated constraint validator.
The ultimate goal for this issue is to bring consistency in the entity validation logic when it comes to pending revisions. This solution assumes sequential creation is the default intended behavior for pending revisions, at least for Content Moderation.
Only additions
Needs work
11.0 đĽ
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It's likely this issue predates Contrib.social: some issue and comment data are missing.