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11 months ago Patch Failed to Apply - First commit to issue fork.
- Merge request !8696Resolve #2836539 "Deletion of fielddeleteddataxxxxxx" β (Open) created by gorkagr
- π§πͺBelgium gorkagr
Somehow i had this issue in one of my localhost while running cron, the same error has appeared in my "recent log messages" page.
Moved patch #44 to a MR
- π¬π§United Kingdom malcomio
I've observed this in the following scenario:
On a site running Drupal core 10.4.1, our local build process imports a sanitised database backup, which does not contain any field_deleted_data tables.
After the import it runs the update hooks.
One of our update hooks calls\Drupal::service('module_installer')->uninstall()
to uninstall a custom module.That module's hook_uninstall implementation has an array of taxonomy vocabulary names, and deletes them in a loop:
foreach ($taxonomy as $vid) { $vocabulary = Vocabulary::load($vid); $vocabulary?->delete(); }
The exception is thrown as part of this.
The strange thing is that this doesn't seem to be happening on our test environments, which use MySQL 5.7.40-log, or on local development machines using Windows, where we also use MySQL 5.7.
The problem only seems to be reproducible on my M1 Mac, where I'm using mysql 8.0.38.
The difference is because there didn't seem to be an ARM compatible Docker image of 5.7 when I was setting up.
But this may be a clue to what is triggering the problem - is it only reproducible on MySQL 8?
The patch from #44 didn't seem to make any difference to my problem.