Opening this from
#2712647: Update Symfony components to ~3.2 β
+++ b/core/modules/file/config/optional/views.view.files.yml
@@ -565,7 +565,7 @@ display:
- format_plural_string: "1 place\x03@count places"
+ format_plural_string: !!binary MSBwbGFjZQNAY291bnQgcGxhY2Vz
@@ -1007,7 +1007,7 @@ display:
- format_plural_string: "1\x03@count"
+ format_plural_string: !!binary MQNAY291bnQ=
Symfony 3.1 introduces automatic binary encoding. Our format plural uses the x03 escape character as a separator, this results in the diff above, which is not an improvement.
Additionally, the only test coverage we have of this is due to views.views.files.yml - if for some reason that stopped using format plural we'd not have noticed the change in behaviour. This wouldn't have been a bug as such, but it means diffs between YAML output from pecl_yaml vs. symfony as well as vs. YAML that's imported, exported, then exported again.
Proposed resolution
Consider using a different separator that doesn't result in binary encoding, so that YAML files remain human-readable/writable (which was supposed to be the point of using YAML in the first place).
If for some reason that's not possible, add a test configuration file (could be a copy of views.view.files.yml) so the behaviour we have is documented. Even if we do make the change we could have a test YAML file with format plural usage.
Remaining tasks
User interface changes
API changes
Data model changes