Uploaded files are impossible to replace

Created on 12 January 2016, over 8 years ago
Updated 27 May 2024, 6 days ago


(/admin/content/files allows only to browse the files.

There seems to be no way in Drupal to overwrite a file, and keeping the same filename.

Deleting the file and replacing it with a new version while retaining the same filename does not work, as the new version would automatically get a prefix ("_0") attached to it each time a new version is uploaded (for example: "filename_0.pdf"; "filename_1.pdf", etc.).

"/admin/content/file/fiiename.pdf" seems to allow the file to be replaced when it is saved, but it still does not automatically replace it with the new version.

Proposed resolution

It should be possible to overwrite a file and keeping the same filename.
Introduce Edit option in admin/content/files that will replace the file

Original report by [dupal.user]

(There seems to be no way in Drupal 8 to to manually delete a file, other than waiting for some automatic cleanup of orphaned files.

Primitive solution: /admin/content/files may allow deleting files just as /admin/content allows deleting content.

Better solution: It should be possible to choose between deleting or unlinking previously uploaded file field attachments when editing a node.

Deleting is required in order to replace a file with a new version.)

Feature request

Needs review


11.0 🔥

File system 

Last updated 1 day ago

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  • 🇺🇸United States maskedjellybean Portland, OR

    Has anyone attempted to solve this problem by automatically creating a redirect from the old file URL to the new file URL when Media is edited and a new file is uploaded? Are there any obvious reasons it couldn't work?

    I've seen some modules that create a redirect from a constant URL to the actual file URL, but these all rely on content editors understanding that they should never link directly to the file URL. I don't think content editors should have to remember this and I don't trust that they will.

  • 🇺🇸United States bkosborne New Jersey, USA

    The old file URL will still exist on the filesystem in some cases, in which case a Drupal-created redirect will not work. Your web server won't even involve Drupal when someone requests a file that exists in the filesystem.

  • 🇺🇸United States kevinquillen

    #73 I still think, performance tradeoff aside, permanent URI a la node/123 is preferable over raw file URLs. They will always work, until that media item is deleted. Whatever file it holds, its name or path is irrelevant. As bkosborne points out in #74, the application won't have a chance to respond when a file like that is requested.

  • 🇺🇸United States maskedjellybean Portland, OR

    Ah, I hadn't thought of that. Dang.

    I can see how a permanent URI would be the ideal solution for a site without many editors and where everyone adheres to the rules. It won't work for my situation unfortunately. I am testing your media_entity_file_replace module bkosborne, and it seems to be working great so far. Hopefully I can convince the team that being able to replace files and maintain the URL is more important than revisions on media. Seems like a fair trade based on how frustrated editors are with the current file replace situation. Thanks for your work!

  • 🇨🇦Canada chrisck

    I've been able to replace and rename files in Drupal 9 without any custom code by using the File (Field) Paths module . Following this awesome blog post, Better File Management for Drupal 8 and Drupal 9 – Part 1 I was able to give content editors the power to rename media files with normal sentence case and spacing, but have ideally managed filenames renamed by File Field Paths:

    Media name:
    Product Handbook 2023


    In addition, if this were a media entity type Document and had a taxonomy term attached to this e.g. onboarding, I was able to get FFP to automatically place these in a structured location for easy file management:


    The only difference between what I did and what you'll find in the blog post is I have unchecked "Create Redirect" and "Retroactive update" and only have checked "Active updating" under the FFP settings in the file field settings. Retroactive update is useful if you have existing files that you want to update, and you'll only have to check this box once, and after it runs it unchecks itself. I've also used this to change file systems from private > public or public > private and update the file paths for my media files.

    I am also using the Media file delete module so that users are managing media entities rather than Files themselves. If the media entity is deleted, so is the file. I set the default value to be checked:

     * Implements hook_form_BASE_FORM_ID_alter().
    function MYMODULE_form_media_confirm_form_alter(&$form, FormStateInterface $form_state, $form_id) {
      // Set confirm delete default value for media files.
      $form['also_delete_file']['#default_value'] = 1;

    Finally, I have the following in my settings.php file, so that if I want to make sure orphaned files are removed, I can either wait for the next cron run or trigger a manual cron job.

     * File settings (Custom).
     * This will remove orphaned (deleted) files from the file system on the
     * next cron run.
    $config['file.settings']['make_unused_managed_files_temporary'] = TRUE;
    $config['system.file']['temporary_maximum_age'] = 1;
  • 🇨🇭Switzerland Berdir Switzerland

    Out of scope, but:

    > $config['system.file']['temporary_maximum_age'] = 1;

    This is wrong and will delete files that users are in process of creating if cron runs between uploading a file and saving the entity. Introducing this setting at all was a mistake, this should always be set to the same as the form cache max age (6h by default), that's the reason temporary files aren't immediately deleted. And we should also reintroduce the logic that immediately deletes files as the change from permanent to temporary/lose all usages.

  • Has anyone come up with a way to make the file replacements when uploading media in bulk? I'm surprised that has not been brought up.

  • First commit to issue fork.
  • Merge request !8195Replace file → (Open) created by sukr_s
  • Pipeline finished with Failed
    6 days ago
    Total: 191s
  • Pipeline finished with Canceled
    6 days ago
    Total: 36s
  • Pipeline finished with Failed
    6 days ago
    Total: 186s
  • Pipeline finished with Success
    6 days ago
    Total: 550s
  • Status changed to Needs review 6 days ago
  • 🇮🇳India sukr_s

    Created a related ticket for better authorisation 🐛 File entity update is allowed only for user who has uploaded the file Active

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